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First Light for Moravain G3-16200 plus Tak E130D on Avalon Linear FR


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This is the first proper image I've attempted with my new G3-16200 on the Epsilon 130D and Avalon mount after much faffing and fiddling. There is still appreciable camera tilt (which I think I've managed to eliminate subsequently) hence a very dodgy corner and I think the chip to corrector distance might need some fine tuning. These issues plus early days with the mount (still tweaking PhD2 settings) and some pretty ropey seeing made for less than crisp subs but I know the scope and mount are capable of better and am encouraged by the reasonable signal and noise levels from the camera for longish narrowband subs (and the not inconsiderable field of view :happy6:). By the time astronomical night returns here I hope to be ready for business!



5x1200s subs @-25C with Chroma 3nm Ha filter, calibrated with master bias and defect map (no flats) & processed in PI

integration_ big crescent HIGHER FWHM DARKER2 more proc.png

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That's an excellent first light and enviable FOV.  A great imaging combo without doubt.

My experience with the Avalon is not to get too anxious about the guiding graph - keep improving it though with low pulse guiding rate (x0.2), very low min move (0.05) and low hysterisis - the mount responds very rapidly to corrections and the image is the best judge of performance as you know.

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Thanks Barry, having moved from an ICX694 chip I've sacrificed some resolution and read noise but it seemed wasteful not to make more of the Epsilon's image circle!

I found both your and Sara Wager's recommendations for PHD2/EQMod configuration with the Avalon FR, Sara was using even more extreme settings (100% aggressiveness/0 minimum move/1 Hysteresis plus a 1 second guide camera exposure time albeit with the same 0.2x pulse guide rate) and still getting a very flat guide trace but I suspect this may be better suited to Spanish rather than Yorkshire skies (your settings have seemed closer to the mark for my conditions so far at least). Some better seeing would be helpful for fine tuning though...

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21 minutes ago, Physopto said:

Oh Boy! Very nice start, can't wait to see what you manage to achieve when the dark nights return. It is the cost of the filters that worries me! 2" ?

Cheers, I have the Chroma 50mm unmounted round filters (RGB and Ha along with a 2" IDAS for L) which are a few quid cheaper than the 2" threaded versions  (currently £184 for each LRGB and £600 for 3nm Narrowband). Yes a lot of cash but the NB are pretty good (e.g. check out recent images from Chris Heapy /ChrisLX200) and a whopping load cheaper than the equivalent Astrodons (their 50mm round unmounted 3nm is currently retailing at £897 from IKI!). Don't know much about the Chroma RGB (not used them yet) but had to get them to be parfocal with the Ha (the optical distance between the chip and corrector is hyper-critical with the Epsilon).

Of course the fun starts when I want to do OIII (and maybe SII) imaging as my internal FW is already full and my bank account empty :sad:

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I have never heard of the Chroma filters before. Interesting point about the cost differences. My wife bought me a set of the Astrodons for last Christmas so know the costs. (31mm). £400 for the narrowband! Yet to play with them. I shudder to think of the 2" versions.

There is a new firm making filters in Korea or Taiwan I think, but cannot remember the name. Looked the usual ultra clean in photographs I saw of the facility. Might be a firm to watch for. I will see if I can find it again.

This may be it: http://optolong.com/en/products/astronomy-filters/bandpass-photo-filter

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