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Powermate 2" v fixed magnification eyepiece

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Hi guys. I am considering either a televue powermate 2" at x2 to use with mainly my existing televue eyepieces or getting a fixed magnification eyepiece like the televue delite or delos or nagler at around the 5mm or 6mm range for planetary use. My thinking at the moment is that the powermate may make more sense as i can use it with the 2" and 1.25" eyepieces i have to give me a range of magnifications. But would something like the fixed mag 5mm or 6mm delite or delos or nagler give me a sharper view with more contrast than a eyepiece used with a powermate.  I hope someone who has used or has a powermate could confirm the position on this. The scope which it will be mainly used is a F4.6 DOB and sometimes a ED 120 apo.  Thanks 

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Personally, I do not like using a PowerMate visually, not because they aren't optically excellent, but because I find switching magnifications a bit more of a faff if I have to keep putting the PowerMate in and out of the optical train. It also means much more refocusing. Especially in planetary, where I want to switch quickly, I like having a set of parfocal EPs for minimum effort. The shorter Delos/Delite are parfocal, but they aren't parfocal with my XWs. However, a cheap little parfocal ring for my Delos 8 sorted that out. Having a range of EPs is of course more expensive.

I do use PowerMates for imaging, where they are truly excellent.

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Hi guys ,thanks for the replys. From the number of replys so far obviously only a few people seem to of used these or own one. But from the information supplied is helpful. From what I can gather the powermate is a quality piece of kit that will boost magnification without effecting the quality of the visual image. As the  main scope it will be used in is a 14" DOB then I don't think the weight should effect the balance to much as this scope seems to be better balanced with large heavy eyepieces. The need to swap in and out the powermate/eyepieces and refocus is not ideal but the cost of buying a select planetary eyepieces obviously will cost a lot more. So interesting responces so far. Any body else had an experience or view of the powermate v fixed magnification eyepiece they would like to share . Thanks

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I have a Powermate 2" 2X but visually generally only use it to stick the 6mm Ethos in for moments of good seeing.

I have used it extensively for imaging with the adapter.


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I've owned a used a few Powermates over the years. They are superb and the best amplifiers around and seem to add nothing to the image apart from the increased scale.

I eventually stopped using them for reasons of convenience as much as anything and because I had the focal lengths I wanted in the form of dedicated eyepieces.

Before I had the 6mm and 4.7mm Ethos I used the Powermate 2x with the 13mm and 8mm and got pretty much perfect 6.5mm and 4mm 100 degree eyepieces, albeit rather long ones !


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Perhaps one of the reasons I do not find the powermate a faff in any way is I seldom change eyepieces. I use a pretty big scope the gives large image scale. This omits the need to keep swapping eyepieces as one tries to "tune" views. I simply observe, If I need to add power I simply add powemate. Its no more faff than going from 1.25" to 2" via an adapter that most seem to manage without any problems. As I don't use 1.25" eyepiece this particular Hokey Cokey is not something I do ;) 

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Hi. Thanks for the continued advice. Can i also slightly  shift the question  on the powermate to you chaps who have a great deal more experience on these matters. If a 2" eyepiece is used in a 2" powermate  to say give an equivalent of a 6mm eyepiece. Would this give a better sharpness and contrast to the viewed visual image, or no difference to an equivalent eyepiece that is a 1.25 barrel  at 6mm . My thinking  behind this is because a 2" allows more light through that possibly this improves the viewed image. But maybe I am totally wrong on this . So advice from more advanced members welcome.

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46 minutes ago, Timebandit said:

Hi. Thanks for the continued advice. Can i also slightly  shift the question  on the powermate to you chaps who have a great deal more experience on these matters. If a 2" eyepiece is used in a 2" powermate  to say give an equivalent of a 6mm eyepiece. Would this give a better sharpness and contrast to the viewed visual image, or no difference to an equivalent eyepiece that is a 1.25 barrel  at 6mm . My thinking  behind this is because a 2" allows more light through that possibly this improves the viewed image. But maybe I am totally wrong on this . So advice from more advanced members welcome.

The size of the eyepiece barrel affects the size of the field of view that can be accommodated but does not improve the image or admit more light to the eye. The exit pupil (the bundle of light exiting the eye lens of the eyepiece) remains the same size whether the eyepiece is 1.25" format or 2" format.



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21 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

 Ethos have only got a 1.25" barrel inside the 2" barrel anyway so no difference.


Thats correct until you get to the 17mm and 21mm Ethos which are 2" format eyepieces.

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1 minute ago, John said:

Thats correct until you get to the 17mm and 21mm Ethos which are 2" format eyepieces.

You edited out my 6 and 13 ? the OP was enquiring about 6mm I think


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26 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

You edited out my 6 and 13 ? the OP was enquiring about 6mm I think


My apologies Dave - you are quite right about the 6 and 13 :icon_biggrin:

Sorry about the messy editing in my response :embarassed:

The 17 and 21 Ethos were not the subject of the OP's enquiry.

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Hello. Thanks for the feedback on the 2" powermate so far. From the knowledgeable post that are here ,all I can see overall is a positive view and  am leaning towards a powermate v dedicated planet eyepieces. I will see if any other comment's are forth coming but at the moment a powermate seems to be going to be more versatile in my eyepiece case.

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