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The Rigel Quikfinder fell off the double sided tape

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When I attached my Rigel Quikfinder on my new C8, I used the wisest foot that came with the Rigel and put double sided tape under it. I taped it to the scope. After a few days, the Rigel came off the tape. The tape was still stuck well to the scope. The Rigel stood on a 45 degree angle when it came off.

I thought the Rigel was often sold with double sided tape and I thought this was a well used way to attach it. I noticed that the foot does not completely fit the C8, but almost.

Any ideas whether I can do this better? I have the dual finder scope base, but my new RACI finder is to big and high that I don't want to set it even higher on that dual scope base. So what it the best way to attach the Rigel, when my first attempt to double sided tape didn't work? The extra screw that came with the Rigel foot does not seem to match the screw wholes of the C8. I tried a little, but noticed it didn't go smoothly and took it out immediately.

Thanks in advance for any tips.



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The Rigel comes with double-sided foam tape strips. I have three bases stuck on various scopes and swap the finder around for the past 6 years and never a hint of coming loose. 3M VHB automotive foam tape is the best alternative I know of.

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Was the base on the Rigel really clean before you stuck on the tape. It only takes a bit of grease from fingers to cause problems. Also was it warm and absolutely dry before you tried to stick it on. Any dew or damp will cause potential failure.


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@Physopto: No, I did not clean the base before attaching the tape.

@RikM: Maybe foam will indeed work better. My tape was very flat and as I said, the Rigel base did not match the scope perfectly. Maybe foam will fill out better. I will try to buy some, or maybe we even have it at home. I didn't come with my Rigel.

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2 hours ago, John said:

Was the Rigel base on the pale grey / silver glossy part of the tube or the darker matt / textured part ?.

On the grey and glossy side. The tape sticked well to the scope.

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7 minutes ago, Physopto said:

If you want it to stick firmly use Number plate adhesive foam tape. I will not come off.......EVER!

Physopto, it sounds like you stuck yourself to the scope!! ?

Linda I think the foam part is key. Normal double sided tape will potentially only have a small part of the foot in contact with it, but foam tape will mould to the shape a little and hold it much better. I apply the tape to the base, then stick it to the scope, seems the logical way?

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I nearly did. Cut several bits to attach my number plate on a caravan. One on each finger ready to do the job, then spent an age trying to unstick myself without losing/wasting  the cut strips. BUT it works! :p

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My technical husband suggests glueing the Rigel base to the scope, after making the tube clean. He thinks that is a more solid solution than using foam which may cause some wobble. Glue is a very definit solution though and not very nice if I ever want to sell it. But on the other hand I have bought the scope to keep it. 

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I definitely would not do that. If you need to ever move the finder you will probably damage the scope. Also if you break the finder bracket , same problem. Selling an even marked scope will drop the resale price to rock bottom. Just a bad idea all round. The licence plate double sided sticky foam is the easiest method. It can easily be removed using dental floss to cut through it. Then just rub with your fingers until it eventually comes off.


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I agree with Derek. The double sided foam sticky tape works perfectly for everyone else, so there is no reason to go for a permanent solution which would risk damaging the cosmetics of the scope.

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Understood. That's why I wanted to check here first before doing anything. I will try to find double sided foam, perhaps at the car utensils store. Or otherwise a screw/bolt that fits into the C8 holes.

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I use this stuff https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=double+sided+tape&client=tablet-android-digiin&biw=768&bih=1024&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwit3JT664PNAhWbHsAKHX6BBbIQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=unibond+double+sided+tape&imgrc=2uH7NYYF0fh3KM%3A As long as you follow the usual guidelines like dry, clean and warm conditions for initial adhearing then the tape will stay stuck for good and can only be removed using a hairdryer. I would also recommend using an Emery board or file to try and shape the base to give a more positive profile to you scope for maximum adhesion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The next attempt is made. My husband believed most in a method involving superglue. To not put the glue permanently on the C8, I have done the following, on my husband's advice. Found a plastic bucket with a diameter of approx 200 cm. I sawed out a piece of bucket the size of the Rigel foot plus 2 cm on each side. That piece is glued with double sided tape to the C8. Both the C8 and the piece of bocket where thouroughly cleaned before glueing. Adter that the Rigel foot and the piece of bucket were made rough with sandpaper. And then the Rigel foot was added using super glue. The idea is not that the piece of bucket sticks well to the scope. And the Rigel foot wil stick forever to the piece of bucket. But the piece of pucket is not permanently sticked to the scope. Let's hope this will work well. I haven't tested it yet.




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