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AR2546: I'm back!


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Hi all. I was active on this forum for a few months up to the end of 2014. My last message was to say that I was upgrading from a Skyris colour camera to a Point Grey EV76 Mono after getting lots of fantastic advice here.  Following work and family problems though, I gave up on imaging, and astronomy generally, and the camera and the Lunt 80mm scope stayed in their boxes until a couple of weeks ago.  I spent the weekend getting the camera to work, and spent today practising with it, and remembering how to stack and process etc.   Here's the best of today's experiments. Great to be back! Iain

sunspot 10w.jpg


sunspot 10c.jpg


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Ha, thank you David!   Even straight out of the box the camera far outperformed the Skyris 618c, and conditions weren't even that good today.  And how great to have this BIG spot to practise on. 

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Thanks guys. I'm now doing a PhD in Philosophy, which means I have a lot of free time to sit at home "thinking", and what better way to think than to be sitting in front of a solar scope. What fun!  

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