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Hi all well it was a great clear night here and I put the dob out and I had rolled the roof back,a few hours before ,never sketched Mars before and it was around midnight I was about to pack away and I caught a glimpse .

what a sight the detail,was really crisp at around x100 mag I,did push for better views at x225 ,but not as crisp but not bad,I,was,not sure how to tackle it so I,drew,some circles on white later and would,cut them out later 

it worked well,till I tried to take a pic to post the crayon I used for the orange just sent my camera crazy and would not let me capture as is,any way I feel it's what most of us,might see and I did see 






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Hey, if you don't mind me asking ive seen a lot of people talking about sketching planets when they see them but i'm new and i don't know why people do this :/

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22 minutes ago, Yamez said:

Hey, if you don't mind me asking ive seen a lot of people talking about sketching planets when they see them but i'm new and i don't know why people do this :/

Two reasons I guess. Firstly to make a record of what you've seen. Doesn't matter how good or bad it is, it reminds you of the observation. Equally important is that many people find that sketching helps you concentrate and pull out more detail from what you are seeing.

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Nice that you could see so many details and that you share it with us with your sketches. I guess I will have to wait for another year when Mars is higher above the horizon.

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These are great sketches. Love them.

Both can be truly beautiful, but a sketch is something  personal, while an astrophoto is more of a technical achievement.

It's just my opinion of course, but when I view a sketch I feel that I'm sharing an experience.



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4 hours ago, Yamez said:

Hey, if you don't mind me asking ive seen a lot of people talking about sketching planets when they see them but i'm new and i don't know why people do this :/

Hi and thats a great Qs because i also image but not of late ,i find when i draw any thing i see at the ep is a moment in time and a record for that time ect ,from another point if sketched over a few nights at diferent times they will show diferent things ,as already said when you sketch you tend to look a little harder and for a little longer .and you see more detail on mars the longer you look, i love images also by a shutter  but every one can get the same sort of image but every one processes diferent ,with a sketch its a one of so to speak.cameras see the same image but the human eye and brain see diferent things and detail that can only be caugt with a sketch .

the other thing about sketching is as it drifts in and out of view theres times when the detail is so sharp and the inky black back ground makes it almost pop out the ep i get to record that moment  i can now have a record for next year and see how he looks (Mars) then .



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3 hours ago, Linda said:

Nice that you could see so many details and that you share it with us with your sketches. I guess I will have to wait for another year when Mars is higher above the horizon.

i think next time i will just use white paper i wanted to see as well what they would look like once cut out and glued in place ,also next time no crayons,


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3 hours ago, Ruud said:

These are great sketches. Love them.

Both can be truly beautiful, but a sketch is something  personal, while an astrophoto is more of a technical achievement.

It's just my opinion of course, but when I view a sketch I feel that I'm sharing an experience.



Hi and thats how i feel when i sketch now ,watching mars drift across the fov of the ep you realise where on a planet spinning in are solar system,when i image mars its just a image on a pc screen that stays centred its a art in its self but sketches give me time to take in the full glory of it moving



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21 hours ago, Yamez said:

Hey, if you don't mind me asking ive seen a lot of people talking about sketching planets when they see them but i'm new and i don't know why people do this :/

Hi Yamez,

I've been sketching for decades and find that sketching what I see at the eyepiece really helps me to see much more subtle detail than if i just looked at it. In a sense, its a bit like an imager stacking multiple images to finally end up with a detailed picture of the planet. Its very rare that an observer sees all there is to see when he first goes to the eyepiece and sketching demands you spend time studying the object. By sketching a rough representation of an object at the eyepiece you begin to understand what it is youre looking at, especially if you sketch the same object night after night over an extended period. We are tactile creatures and for some reason our touching an object gives us greater affinity with it. Sketching is the next best thing! Also, a picture speaks a thousand words and can be read by anyone in seconds, where as a page of scribbled notes will rarely ever be read once its been written, even by the author of it.

Another reason for sketching is that, unlike imaging, it records what is visible in the eyepiece and so gives a better representation  of what an object actually looks like in the eyepiece of any given telescope. 

You don't have to be an artist and the sketches don't have to be artistic masterpieces, only honest representations of what's visible. If you haven't tried sketching yet, its well worth giving it a go. After only a few doodles have been completed you may find you're hooked.

Mike :icon_cyclops_ani:

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On 17/05/2016 at 16:49, todd8137 said:

Hi all well it was a great clear night here and I put the dob out and I had rolled the roof back,a few hours before ,never sketched Mars before and it was around midnight I was about to pack away and I caught a glimpse .

what a sight the detail,was really crisp at around x100 mag I,did push for better views at x225 ,but not as crisp but not bad,I,was,not sure how to tackle it so I,drew,some circles on white later and would,cut them out later 

it worked well,till I tried to take a pic to post the crayon I used for the orange just sent my camera crazy and would not let me capture as is,any way I feel it's what most of us,might see and I did see 






Fantastic!!! :icon_cyclops_ani::icon_cyclops_ani::icon_cyclops_ani:

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Brilliant i will sure give this ago whenever the next clear night is. I will most likely go for Jupiter as it is up nice and high. I will most likely post the sketch onto SGL.

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On 18 May 2016 at 17:55, Yamez said:

Brilliant i will sure give this ago whenever the next clear night is. I will most likely go for Jupiter as it is up nice and high. I will most likely post the sketch onto SGL.

There plenty to sketch the planets are a good start ,there's a lot of open clusters  and other dso targets  I look forward to,your  sketches 


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25 minutes ago, todd8137 said:

There plenty to sketch the planets are a good start ,there's a lot of open clusters  and other dso targets  I look forward to,your  sketches 


Thank you i look forward to going out except i haven't had a clear night for nearly a week and the forecast for the next 3 days says its going to be cloudy!!!!!

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