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Next AR showing already?


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I've just had a nice half an hour looking at the morning sun in white light to catch the better seeing.

AR 12546 is looking spectacular as you would imagine, it might be simple in overall structure, but there is so much detail in the petal like structures of the penumbra, the spikey ball of the umbra, with the start of a light bridge perhaps moving up from the bottom. A lovely group of large pores following on too.

Having looked at the lovely faculae ahead of 12544, what caught my attention though was a small area of faculae with a nice pore buried in it, on the opposite limb following 12546. Hints of the next AR coming around the limb hopefully. I had a check on SolarMonitor and at first thought it wasn't visible, but if you look carefully it is there too. Worth a look if you can.


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32 minutes ago, cotterless45 said:

G'errof Stu ! You'll be extolling solar scopes and even astrophotography next ! If tha' means t'little spot beside it , er yes ! I'm not mad enough for solar !


Tee Hee :) 

No, actually I meant the faculae and tiny pore right on the limb, not close to the large spot... 

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1 hour ago, Moonshane said:

To be honest I didn't even look at anything other than the biggie today as I was trying to get all the detail and between clouds too.

Hopefully it will develop over the next day or so, have a look out for it

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1 hour ago, cotterless45 said:

Got this one of the biggie with a 6b pencil, it's about as high tech imaging that my head will deal with,

old Nick.


Did a bird fly over your sketch pad at the same time Nick? ??

My apologies ??

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