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Steady seeing tonight ?


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The seeing definitely seems on the good side tonight - the Moon and Jupiter seem to be soaking up magnification like nobody's business without loosing their edge. Often 150-200x is the best range with Jupiter and the scope I'm using tonight, the ED120, but 256x and even 300x seem to be entirely useful and on the Moon I've run out of power at 450x, tracing the Hadley Rille in and out of the Apennine shadows and the intricate rille network around Triesneker crater.

Nice :icon_biggrin:

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I was looking at Jupiter through the ED120 and 4.7mm Ethos about half an hour ago and it was as steady as a rock :grin:

Heading back out shortly for another look now that its dark.

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We are now into our 14th day of rain in May, not all the time but it is dumping plenty of water around the place. It was clear at 02.30 though and the seeing looked very good, I thought about going outside but alas that was all I did do. Must tell you this as I have never heard it before, Vania has just said something to Daniel which translates to " your so slow that when you bend to pick up the snail it had run away ", a good early morning laugh!

Clear skies John, I hope I am going to get some before winter sets in.


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I foolishly believed the iPhone forecast of nighttime clouds and failed to deploy!  Looking out at 10:30, the moon, Jupiter and first magnitude stars looked pretty good.  Glad you got a rare chance to pile on the power :) 

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Good seeing here too for Jupiter and some test doubles.

Less good for Saturn and Mars though because of the height above the horizon (12:00 to 01:00) and a nearby house, but I could see some good detail in Mars and Cassini on Saturn in the occasional moments of wobble-free viewing!

Alan: interesting mention of snails! At the moment we are overrun here with them.....every step around the scope in the dark makes a crunching noise!


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It was very good at the start of the night, but then patchy clouds came, and when they left the seeing seemed to have deteriorated. I'm still debating whether I split 9" with my 8" - probably not, but there were two parts which stayed separate for long periods of time.

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