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May 8th - H Alpha - White Light - AR2542 - one day to go !!


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Out early, WL pics with Equinox 80, Lunt H Wedge, Olympus E-M10, both taken at 8.05 am.  Whole disk on 1/2000 at 200 asa, close-up of AR2542 on 1/800 plus a x2 barlow.   The HA disk taken with the 60mm DS, Olympus E-M10, 12.43pm, 1/60 at 500 asa.

It's looking good weather-wise for the Mercury transit tomorrow.  Both at home and at The Astronomy Centre, where I'll be observing (nr Todmorden, Lancashire)  it's forecast to be clear for the whole event.   Anyone who want to come up to TAC will be welcome. 



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5 minutes ago, David Smith said:

Very nice Paul. I may have to join you tomorrow as the forecast here is not great.

Thanks David.  You'd be most welcome.  There's plenty of room to set up your own gear, and there will also be an image projected onto a big screen in the big dome.

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great shots Paul, its not looking good here,but ill setup anyway, even if i have to look at clouds allday,ya never know forcasts have been wrong,and i can allways watch Steves feed on my laptop and pretend im imaging :icon_biggrin:.hope its clear for you,  charl

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