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EQ Platform for solar observing

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I had wondered whether this would work, as a simple and quick way of tracking the sun with a portable setup. The answer is yes. Scope is at a nice height to be seated and it tracks well enough not to be nudging the scope very often. Really quick to setup too.

No comments about the 'grass'!!



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1 hour ago, xtreemchaos said:

great mod Stu, no sun here today but ive the F1 to keep the day interesting. charl.

I can't claim a mod, I bought this one used from ABS. It's working really well though, the clouds have cleared and although the seeing is a bit dodgy, I having a nice relaxed session.

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43 minutes ago, laudropb said:

Looks good Stu. Never seen one of these before.

I bought it for the Portaball and it works very well with that. Just thought I would try this too and I'm very pleased I did. They are clever little devices.

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Those work well - I used to have one !

It's one of the "Watch House" ones made in Cornwall I think.

The only issue I found with mine was that it raised the eyepiece height of my 12" dob up a few inches so I needed to use a step to observe certain parts of the sky.


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57 minutes ago, John said:

Those work well - I used to have one !

It's one of the "Watch House" ones made in Cornwall I think.

The only issue I found with mine was that it raised the eyepiece height of my 12" dob up a few inches so I needed to use a step to observe certain parts of the sky.


That's right John, well spotted. It's very well made, and has a nice big platform so the PB, and the tripod fit on very nicely. Fortunately my scopes are short currently otherwise I would have had a similar problem!! Actually, the f11 isn't so short!! ??

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Nice bit of kit. I'm looking for one of these platforms for my 12" Skywatcher. Watch House don't seem to be making any at the moment. I'd like to try to make one but I fear it may be a bit out of my diy skills range ??

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2 hours ago, zedds said:

Nice bit of kit. I'm looking for one of these platforms for my 12" Skywatcher. Watch House don't seem to be making any at the moment. I'd like to try to make one but I fear it may be a bit out of my diy skills range ??

That's right zedds, I think the founder has retired so no one to take over.

TS do them though, any good?


Not cheap but I've had one and they are good.

Alternatively Moonshane built his, perhaps he can offer you some DIY guidance??

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2 hours ago, Stu said:

That's right zedds, I think the founder has retired so no one to take over.

TS do them though, any good?


Not cheap but I've had one and they are good.

Alternatively Moonshane built his, perhaps he can offer you some DIY guidance??

Thanks for the link Stu. As you say not cheap but they do look well made. May start saving now!! ??

I did look at Moonshanes build and not sure if I could manage it. Still may be worth a go during the summer light months!!

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41 minutes ago, zedds said:

Thanks for the link Stu. As you say not cheap but they do look well made. May start saving now!! ??

I did look at Moonshanes build and not sure if I could manage it. Still may be worth a go during the summer light months!!

I think it's beyond my skills too! Going to start with a travel dob at some point in the future.... When that will be who knows!!

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9 hours ago, Stu said:

Similar here to be honest Shaun, just wanted to have a little peek today ??

Were you bad in a former life? ?

I am not so well behaved in this one, I hope IKEA isn't around in any future existence that we may have :happy6:

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16 minutes ago, Pig said:

I am not so well behaved in this one, I hope IKEA isn't around in any future existence that we may have :happy6:

Indeed. I tend to avoid it at all costs, although a cheap plateful of meatballs and chips always helps numb the pain when it becomes unavoidable! ?

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Just now, Moonshane said:

It's actually pretty easy once you get your design sorted.  Have a go!

Thank you Shane for pulling us back from the brink! ?

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