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Great night so far, Leo Triplet for the first time


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Just come inside while the neighbours Blackpool illuminations spoil things as they go to bed so thought I'd write up things so far.

Set out to crack the Leo Triplet and Pinwheel/Sunflower/Whirlpool galaxies amongst other things and although not made out the 3 near Ursa Major, I am pretty sure I notched up the fuzzies around Leo, with a bit of averted vision.  Had to have a break on the sun lounger just gazing up (due to bad back) and saw loads of satellites buzzing by, went back to find the Leo's and could remember my way there, really pleased and looking forward to darker skies when they will be more prominent.

Jupiter looks great tonight and I may try and get a few images shortly and going to have another search for the Ursa Major galaxies, just warming up and heading out again.

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Nice report Peco, I recall many years ago taking my scope up onto the Westwood for a night, it was very dark back in the mid 70's. Nice town where you live I always liked it's pubs, it had so many then, maybe no so many now.


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Quick update.

Went back outside and didn't get round to looking for any more fuzzies as just poking over next doors shed roof was a bright orange object that was to be confirmed by one of my many apps, Mars.  And closely following was Saturn.

Now as a 46 year old who is becoming obsessed by all things astronomical, someone who watches all the documentaries (even the rubbish ones), studies all the images on here and uses SGL for so much advise and guidance, downloads loads of past podcasts and just wonders at the enormity of it all - I have never seen Saturn with my own eyes!

It was too low to start with so I spent some time on Mars, a little low and hazy and distorted, but never the less, a great one to tick off my new list.  As Saturn started to rise, in comes my slightly inebriated wife turning all the lights on, not the best entrance, but I was too excited to care and the anticipation was rising.  Then it was the time, it was just high enough over the shed roof, and to begin with I couldn't quite process in my head what this pale yellow/orangey object was, or which way round it was etc.  Then my brain sorted it out and my smile broadened and out came the immortal first time Saturn words - WOW.

After some time just in total awe, I thought I needed to share my excitement with friends, so attached my DSLR and got a few video clips and images which I will be shortly messing with and will post elsewhere on here, not expecting much, but to me, they will rank highly in my list of proudest photos - 1st photos of each of my 2 kids, a photoshoot I did of them when 2 and 4 yrs old in a studio, 1st images of the Moon, Jupiter and now Saturn.


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Great job! I know the feeling of Saturn and Jupiter! With patience and experience you will see and learn more and more things!

I wish you the best! Keep it up! Clear skies!

Cheers from Greece


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