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Eastern and Western Veil, please criticise


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Attached are a couple of re-processes from a project last year that of course ground to a halt.

Both are processed in a similar manner with PI but I have tried to be gentle and avoid any "oily" look to the background sky. I am looking for c&c about how I can improve what I have done. I do know I want more data and would like to return to this later in the year; both images only have 7 x 15 mins Ha and O111 each. Flats, bias and cosmetic correction applied. Both taken with my 152/1200 at native.

Thanks for looking



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I Like them. The processing looks invisible. (An oxymoron, I know, since if it's invisible it doesn't 'look' anything at all but you know what I mean!)

With the signal you have it's hard to see what you might want to work on. Is the background maybe a tad high? Might you be able to tease out a touch more difference between the very faintest wisps and the background? (I'd do that in Curves using a pin to hold the background and a tiny stretch above that.) But these are great.

Have you considered a monochrome rendition in HaOIII? It can look very striking.


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I think these look good to be honest. You've managed to keep some of the finer faint detail in the background that can easily be lost. I don't think that the backgrounds look over done either. That bright star in the second has been well controlled ..... very nice images :)

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Thanks all and especially to Olly and Sara for your advice. You both set the bar very high, but that is a good thing ;-)

Olly, I am slowly slowly developing a combination of PI and PS for my processing; i will have a go at what you suggest re curves but thanks again for your encouragement

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They are both just fantastic! Very nice and soft and yet with a lot of detail. Like the others note, I cannot set how they could be improved with more data, unless maybe, if you decide to make wallpapers - on my screen they are perfect.

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