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The Sun in White Light 13th Apr 2016

David Smith

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Had some breaks in the cloud today but also a lot of haze and some truly awful seeing. Combine that with limited window of opportunity (lunch break) and I had to take what I could get. No time for Ca-K, I did try some white light close-ups with the 2x ED Barlow but the data was truly nasty so I did not even bother stacking it.

Now tomorrow I have the opportunity to work from home :angel: part of the day and what's the weather forecast :clouds2:

Slight twist on the invert image today, just for a change. All are 46 x 1/2500th second stacked in R5.1 after converting from CR2 to TIF in PIPP. Sharpened, coloured, etc. in GIMP2.8.




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