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Jupiter April 4th


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Seeing was good last night, until the clouds rolled in.  This image was taken using my Celestron C14 scope with 2x Televue Powermate and ADC on my EQ8 mount using a ZWO ASI224MC colour camera. Capture with Firecapture 2.53 and processed using Autostakkert, Registax6, WINJUPOS, PS3.

Clear skies,



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Hi Peter, thanks for the kind comment. There doesn't seem to be much difference in colour between our images to my eyes.   Any subtle differences were probably down to high level cloud between our two sites and the time when images were taken.  My image is smaller (I assume because I'm using a 2x 2inch Powermate rather than a Barlow) and that may also have a slight effect on perception, I suppose.

Clear skies,


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