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first go at planetary with ed80


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I think you had your exposure time too high and it's oversaturated the planetary detail. Great for showing the moons though!

Just to give you an idea, below was taken with an ED100 (first of only two ever jupiter pics I've taken, so I'm sure it can be done much much better than this example)


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5 minutes ago, glowingturnip said:

i quite like ezplanetary actually - you should find the exposure and gain controls at top left, and the histogram is further down, expand that and check you're not over-exposing on any channels

thanks no matter how i turned the sliders down it was still too bright

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I use Sharpcap > PIPP > AUTOSTAKKERT . REGISTAK and got this with my ED80, ASI120MM and a 2.25x Barlow (I think, I was meant to put it on the scope.....).

Got his image a couple of weeks back.

Jupiter, Calisto Transit - 17th March 2016.jpg

It's not the best, but not bad for the ED80. You really do need very small exposures though and I believe my gain was around the middle of the scale - and we are talking sub-second exposures. Can't remember the exact figure, but the were low. Just have another fiddle and see what you can sort. Check what the minimum exposure is you can get in your settings - you may be being "blocked" from dropping it depending on the settings in the capture software - in Sharpcap, I can chose "long exposure" to bring up exposures longer than 5 seconds... perhaps that could be limiting he lower end?

Sharpcap does have "auto" buttons for Gain if I remember correctly, so check there is nothing like that set up that might be playing havoc with your image. 

What you really need is a C8....


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Do two images - get Jupiter right and then over-expose another to bring the moons out like with you first image. You can them use layers in PS or GIMP to combine the layers. It's what I did with the image above.

I'm still using the handset - not got around to EQMOD and ASCOM yet, but I need to make it all more automated....far to cold to be spending so much time outside!

Just finished 3 hours of M51...gonna do some bias and flats and then call it a night I think!


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9 hours ago, Marky1973 said:

Do two images - get Jupiter right and then over-expose another to bring the moons out like with you first image. You can them use layers in PS or GIMP to combine the layers. It's what I did with the image above.

I'm still using the handset - not got around to EQMOD and ASCOM yet, but I need to make it all more automated....far to cold to be spending so much time outside!

Just finished 3 hours of M51...gonna do some bias and flats and then call it a night I think!


lets see  the m51 when its done mark

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This was the output straight from DSS with just a tweak in DSS to align the RGB Channels. I just did it to see what I had in the data, and am happy with that. Just set Pixinsight off doing its thing, but last time I did that it took hours, so I think I am in for a wait to see if I can get anything more from it!


Makes the frozen fingers worthwhile.....although it also makes me want to buy an ATIK CCD camera....

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mark im impressed with that from an ed80,managed to get the mount working again anyway,what settings are you using for this ,and did you use the barlow,and finally how much cropped,sorry for all the questions

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No problem!

It is quite heavily cropped from the originals, as you can see from the JPEG below.


I have 22 x 480s LIGHTS, 8 DARKS, 15 BIAS, 15 FLATS all taken with the modified EOS100D and the ED80 with the SW 0.85 Reducer/Flattener - I should probably try again without to get a slightly larger image (although it doesn't make a massive difference), as I am sure bendy edges/corners are not so much of an issue when cropping that heavily! The 100D also has a CLS CCD Clip Filter in place. All LIGHTS at 800ISO.

No Barlows.

Stacked in DSS using pretty standard settings, but cropped to the image size in the first image I posted and stacked with a 3x Drizzle.

Pixinsight has just stopped, registering the images, so I'm now off to integrate them and see if I can remember anything from Harry's tutorials! :-)

The ED80 is a great scope and I am slowly starting to see the rewards. It has taken time to get used to it all and I am battling light pollution as I am on the outskirts of the bright lights of Gloucester. The lkey learning for me over the last year though is the difference that data makes. Last night was the first time I had taken images of 8 minutes in length and I can immediately see the difference, and benefit, of the longer subs. Think my focus was out a little, but I am impressed by how solid the NEQ6 is with this set-up. I am sure it will impress with a dedicated CCD camera. I think the ED80 with my modified DSLR, a small sensor CCD along with my ZWO ASI120mm (later a colour version) and a C8 would give a great range of options. I am really liking the c9.25, but the price is a bit high for me when I think about the time I have to dedicate to this hobby. 


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On 31/03/2016 at 17:19, Marky1973 said:

I use Sharpcap > PIPP > AUTOSTAKKERT . REGISTAK and got this with my ED80, ASI120MM and a 2.25x Barlow (I think, I was meant to put it on the scope.....).

Got his image a couple of weeks back.

Jupiter, Calisto Transit - 17th March 2016.jpg

It's not the best, but not bad for the ED80. You really do need very small exposures though and I believe my gain was around the middle of the scale - and we are talking sub-second exposures. Can't remember the exact figure, but the were low. Just have another fiddle and see what you can sort. Check what the minimum exposure is you can get in your settings - you may be being "blocked" from dropping it depending on the settings in the capture software - in Sharpcap, I can chose "long exposure" to bring up exposures longer than 5 seconds... perhaps that could be limiting he lower end?

Sharpcap does have "auto" buttons for Gain if I remember correctly, so check there is nothing like that set up that might be playing havoc with your image. 

What you really need is a C8....


Is that my old 80ED?

If so, glad to see its still doing the business :)

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