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Please Help!!! combining RGB images


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Please Help!!! This might be a question many feel to be so obvious it does not warrant asking--but I have asked inumerable folks and have not been provided with an answer.  How are RGB images or planets captured with a mono camera combined into a color image.  Registack and Autostackert stack AVIs/SERs into tiff or fits frames (among other types).  They can not then stack 3 images into 1--only 1 image can be loaded at a time.  Nebulosity and Pixinsight use stars for alignment--there are no stars in planetary images.  I do not have Photoshop and do not want to get it.  This aspect of our hobby is exceedingly popular and there must be a way of doing it without Photoshop.  If baffles my mind that the answer to this question is proving so illusive.  





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11 minutes ago, Tinker1947 said:

Gimp will do most things Photoshop, you don't want to use Photoshop, Gimp is a alternative what it uses i don't know, you can try it and see or not bother that's your choice....

Seems like a Twilight zone movie--out of all the people that do RGB planetary with mono cameras I have never heard mention of GIMP.  Seems strange that Registack comes with mono cameras (many of them), but a way to combine the RBG frames does not.  Before I download ANOTHER software suite on my laptop--I would like a bit more info.

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24 minutes ago, Freddie said:

Winjupos is by far the best for this. Much better than messing about in PS. WinJupos is a free download and plenty of tutorials on the web to get you going.

I have WinJUpos--did not know it can combine RGB into an image--someone else said it was complicated, and made it sound not quite like an RGB combine.  If Winjupos can do it--That is great.  I think Astra-Image can too--I just was emailed by its creators.



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1 hour ago, jsmoraes said:

Rodd, you can try read the tutorial in http://homepage.ntlworld.com/c.rogers/howto/Gimp-RGB-images.html

It explain how you can work with 3 or 4 mono images (R,G,B and L) to a RGB color image in Gimp.

If you prefer Photoshop I can tell you a link with tutorial, also.

All procedure wil be a cobine proccess.

Thanks--just downloaded GIMP.  I guess I have to figure out the BEST way to do it.  There does not seem to be as much of a consensus regarding RGB combine as there is for stacking and processing AVIs/SERs (ie registack or Autostakert2).  I appreciate the input and will watch the tutorial.  I am getting buried in tutorials and learning curves.  Sticking to Color camera for planetary seems the way to go.  I am ansious to use my ASI174MM on moon though--no rotation to deal with.

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I use WinJUPOS. Align and stack in AS2!, wavelet sharpen in Regi 6 then into WinJUPOS for measurement and de-rotation/combine into colour image. It is the best because it de-rotates and aligns the RGB mono frames to give best detail. It also slightly smooths the image. Only use PS or Gimp to do final tweaks on image.

Hope that makes sense.



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