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Ultra Wide field Crescent nebula


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What a weekend, stunning sunshine in the day followed by cold clear nights! Had some fun friday night putting the Atik 314e through its paces (to follow!) Saturday night I thought I would have a go with Big Red (aka Art11002)

Had a bit of trouble with my TrueTech wheel, so did not start imaging until quite late :D Imaged right through until twilight (well dawn!), was awesome!

Have been wanting to get this for a while, though I want to get lot more exposure to smooth things out.

Details: Borg 77EDII + 0.85x DGL reducer, Art11002 + Astronomik Ha. 10x600 sec (1hr 40min total)

Hope you like it!


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Like it!, I love it, but even more if I knew what and where it was. :D

It isn't the Jellyfish is it?

You put the time in and got a great image out Eddie, but a lot of them I can't Identify as yet.

Ron. :D

Sorry mate, I read the Title. :oops:

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Wow Eddie...that's seriously wide!!

BTW, do you have the motorised trutech wheel? I'm considering getting one.



Cheers Rob :grin:

Yes, I have the motorised one. Its a seriously good bit of kit and when coupled with a robofocus, its very hard to beat!


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