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Observatory Insulation / breathable membrane ??

Skipper Billy

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I have finished the frame for my micro observatory.  



The frame is made from 2” x 2” timber and I am about to clad it with 19mm weatherboarding.


My question is – should I use any sort of membrane between the frame and the weatherboarding?


And/Or insulation or lining inside ?


It’s a concrete base if that makes any difference? It will have thermostatically controlled background heating and a dessicant dehumidifier installed.


Any help, suggestions or guidance most welcome!!


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I would, but put some vents in the sides top and bottom though, to get a really good airflow, which will stop any condensation or damp, many people build obsy''s and insulate and put heat in, then they get full of damp from condensation, because of no ventilation.

ventilation is the key to no damp, if you need a dehumidifier then you have damp, which means not enough ventilation, so ventilate then no need for heat or dehumidifier.

but still a good idea to put a waterproof membrane between the outer skin and frame, but a breathable one.

AB :)

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My wooden obs has a breathable membrane under the outer cladding.  The frame is 3x2 timber and inside of the frame is lined with 3mm ply - I suppose the trapped air provides a little insulation maybe?  There is quite a gap (2-3 cm) round 3 sides of the roll off roof that provides plenty of ventilation.  I have no problem with damp/humidity at all. 

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My out walls are wood with a breathable membrane behind the wood, the gap is 2" the inner wall is sterling board, in the floor and the top of the gap i put in some ventilation with these, just drill the right size hole and knock them in....


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