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Light shrouds for trusstube dob

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Hi  a little advice needed here ,I see all these great shrouds on big dobs 16",18" ect  are these custom made ? Or of the shelf  I did try and use my home made ones  I used camping matts , and some flocking material ,I also tried to make one from black material .not have in a sowing machine sowing by  hand was a pain ,but the camp Matt ones unbalance my scope ,what I want to know Is if I use a tight fitting one made from material spandex does it cut the light out as it will pull tight against the three truss poles ? Will this cut the apature down ?



Edited by todd8137
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4 minutes ago, swamp thing said:

Hi Pat

Have you a picture of the scope itself? tough to know what will impede on the light path without seeing it TBH.

I know some people have added rigid loops to shrouds to help keep them out of the light path.



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Ahh, looking at your truss design I see why you think it would be a problem. I agree that I think a material shroud would cut into the light path on your scope because it only has three truss pairs, not four like the Sumerian. As Steve says, some form of rigid hoops would be needed...

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Thanks all so it a conundrum I will e mail the  said company in the states and send pics and see what' they think ,if this is a non starter ,what else would any one suggest ,when the scopes in the obsy  i do not need any shrouds ect.Its  when people come round to view with me am worried they will drop some thing or when I travel to dark sites I would like one 


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I see what you mean (nice scope BTW)

How about making some rings up out of plastic or lightweight wood that run around the trusses. So they make a kind of tube for the material to run around? Any semi rigid lightweight material should do the trick. 

You cold even sew them into some kind of pockets so they became part of the shroud. 

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1 minute ago, swamp thing said:

I see what you mean (nice scope BTW)

How about making some rings up out of plastic or lightweight wood that run around the trusses. So they make a kind of tube for the material to run around? Any semi rigid lightweight material should do the trick. 

You cold even sew them into some kind of pockets so they became part of the shroud. 

That sounds good to me a wonder if ribs that are used in wedding  dress's could be used you see some with loops in ?



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1 minute ago, Daniel-K said:

You can but the material of eBay.  its a nylon lycra blend. its stretches tight so no need for ribs or anything.


Dan, Pat's truss design only uses 3 pairs, not 4 like yours, so he will have problems unless he uses some form of hoops to keep the material out of the light path.

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Right am off to town now to buy some material ,my neighbour as just said she as a sowing machine ,i will still email the company in the states ,a local shop as black Lycra material  cheap she said on the phone ,it's finding some thing to make the loops,from and she said we'll see what we can do 


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4 minutes ago, Stu said:

Dan, Pat's truss design only uses 3 pairs, not 4 like yours, so he will have problems unless he uses some form of hoops to keep the material out of the light path.

I think he has it over the lower part of the UTA like mine it will be fine.

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1 minute ago, Daniel-K said:

my mate did mine ok. you must have been using the wrong needles

What a will do is check with my neighbour and see what she says ,I see destiny  there also a player a may just hold of till I get a reply from the company in the states then


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