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Hi all,


As i Eagerly await the delivery of my new scope from FLO I find myself trying to cram as much in as possible on my very steep learning curve.

I have seen mentions of filters several times across this forum and in a few books I have read on the train to work.

My question is, what filter should be used for viewing different planets, i guess each has its own best filter to use?

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After many years of trying filters of various types for various purposes, my filter set is now:

- O-III filter - nebulae

- UHC type filter - nebulae (more subtle than O-III and preferred on some nebulae)

- H-Beta filter - rarely used on a small group of objects

- Baader solar film front aperture filter - white light solar viewing.

And thats the lot !

I've tried quite a few lunar and planetary filters and they did nothing to improve my experiences of viewing those worlds.

Others will have different preferences though, that seems to be the way it is with filters.




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There are two sources of information, already listed above that make for good reading and advice, but I personally don't use filters. I have bought a Moon filter, and it sits in its case, unused! Perhaps I should try it once more to see why its not used?

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You've open a can of personal preference on this one. As Chirac said, he has a moon filter and doesn't use, but I use mine all the time, I find the moon far too bright without it and its use, for me, makes for a much more pleasant viewing experience.

On the other hand I have an LP filter and never use it, I find it does nothing for me, but some people swear by them. I also have a UHC which I find great on some targets, but does nothing on others that other people have said it works wonders on.

I would say have a play with the scope first, try viewing the moon unfiltered, if you find it too bright, try out a moon filter.  Check out the planets and if you feel that you should be able to get more out of the view, have a read around, make sure that you have realistic expectations and the try a filter, the coloured filters seem to come up second hand fairly regularly.

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The only filters i use at night are the UHC and OIII. As mentioned above, both filters are used for observing different types of nebulae. I dont need to use my light pollution filter much since i moved here 2 yrs ago. The skies are pretty dark. I havent used a Moon filter for about 10 yrs. I own a full set of coloured planetary filters (my 2nd set),but have yet to use them. I just dont think they bring much to the table. For observing the Sun i ALWAYS use an ND3.0 safety filter with my Hershel wedge, in conjunction with a solar continuum filter and a variable polarising filter (both optional).


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