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Grab and go for "The Winter M11". Trumpler clusters.


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Just black clear skies for just over an hour, it's grab what you can time !

Class 1 Trumpler , otherwise AKA , M37 (NGC 2099. )Absolutely stunning at x50 and its dark lanes will lead you away at x150 with a wide ep. Definitely the "Winter M11".

Caught the bright Galaxy NGC 2403 (+8.6) in Camelopardalis and the Galaxy NGC 772 in Aries.

Actually managed some nebulosity around Meissa with a UHC filter, "the Meissa ring" is a fabulous object.

Back to a few more Trumpler clusters as clouds rolled in for the week.

The Trumpler classification of open clusters is based on concentration, brightness and number of stars. Very often you'll observe almost clouds of fine stars in clusters. These are some of the richest targets to resolve.


Some of these are in the lists below and are just a sample of the finest that I've observed.

Some have been intriguingly described such as " the poor man's double cluster" , some are as small and faint as planetary nebulae.

They respond well with small apertures and are not shy with some little light pollution.


Clear skies ! Nick.

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Superb work! Meissa is one of my favourite targets, although I never spot nebulosity. I will give a go in the future. :)

I want to learn that description for classifying open clusters. It will be useful for reporting observations.

Do you also write down the classification for the galaxies you observe?

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Nice report Nick, i was looking at M37 the other night as you will have read. I can't see myself doing very much for a while as I have minus 13, 12 inches of snow and falling and of course wall to wall grey skies.

Still I can't complain, I would be happy to forgo a clear night just so our friend up in Glasgow can have one, if it were possible.

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With the amount of snow we get it is a good job that we do not really have much wind, it is about 1mph at the moment, with about 13 inches outside now just imagine what snowdrifts would look like, about 14 years ago I saw a car under one here, when it melted there was two cars. In two days time there is a yearly festival thing where they throw a something into the river and nutters go and get it, they are going to have to break the ice this year but believe me it will go ahead.


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