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Traffic Europe


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Traffic Europe
December, 17-2015; 07, 14 TU TO 8:04
C14 Edge ASI + 224 + 2X Powermate + IR Pass 685
Another animated GIF, but now made more carefully in order to highlight the transit of the Moon Europe.
Capture 14 films of 90 seconds spaced by 60 sec, each rendered in five different programs in exactly the same way to try to keep as close as possible to the brightness and contrast conditions.
The variation there should be changes to the seeing of a picture to another.
The transits of Jupiter are frequent and one of the most beautiful celestial spectacles to see that then say shooting.
Carefully observe the shadow of stretching as it arrives near the edge because the curvature of the planet.
My intention was to continue capturing another 30 minutes and get Ganymede leaving the left edge because he was in hiding, however scattered clouds prevented my purpose because of its high absorption of light with the IR Pass filter.
by Avani Soares
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Looks good, the seeing in the last frames look really good. Re the asi224? I have one but have not used it yet, when you use the IR pass filter do you capture it with debayer turned on?

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