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Second go at lunar imaging includes some close ups


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still learning but a bit better than my first go. These are shot with a skymax 127 and and an afocally coupled (f-adapter) Kodak Easyshare 6340.

Gonna make a homemade hartman mask to improve the focussing.

thanks for looking.



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I agree, they are very nice Jonathan.

Focus is very critical of course, and you know that. It is the difference between a good image, and a Wow Image. You are doing very well, and bound to get the wow factor soon.

Ron. :angry:

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Good shots, especially for afocal imaging.

Are these stacked AVI's or single shots.

If single shots then close up moon shots can be trickey to get in focus as you are capturing a single moment of 'seeing'.

If you can capture video on your camera then try that and then stack them in Registax, these will remove the blur/movement caused by the atmosphere.

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I would suggest you capture about 1000 frames to start with, you may have to have a play to see how long such a video would be.

I would say 30 seconds could be enough.

If you have trouble with Registax (it does not recognise all file types) then download virtual dub.

Open the file in virtualdub, select the start and end of the video (this allows you to get rid of any wobble also when you press the shutter) and then save as 'Old Style' and Registax should then be able to see it.

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If those are single shots, the focus is already very close indeed.

WRT the movie mode in the camera, does it lose resolution doing AVI files, as that would be counterproductive. Snapping even a dozen at full resolution then Registaxing them would be better I think.

Great start, those shots are very good.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Thanks for the complements and tips. These really are afocal single shots with a cheap old digicam (25 quid off ebay).

I will try the dozen shots but my mount does not track that well at the resolution of the close up so getting that number of identical images may be a challenge.

I am using a slight modified SLT mount and it is right in the weight limit with a sky max 127, 2 inch diagonal and even a light camera. A better mount is I think in order if I am going to do anything more complex than the moon and bright planets.

Still enough to keep me going with those for the time being.

Hope to post some more shots if it is clear over the weekend or maybe even tomorrow.



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