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Another interesting development in VA/EAA


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Cheers folks! Video Astronomy Live is a free service and available to all. It can be viewed on all platforms ie phone, tablet or pc. You can also sign up for the mail notification when channels are live or announce a live show or video you wish to show yourself.

Hopefully the darker nights will bring more live shows.

It is exciting times for our hobby and great to see vendors now getting involved and producing a range of hardware and software goodies for the sport.

In our astronomy area things are looking up!


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Hello all and thanks for the support!  Thanks to Robert also for sharing our recent good news!  Yes times are changing for VA and about time too I say!  Personally I cannot think of a better way to enjoy astronomy - Sitting in the warm seeing these amazing views in colour in a matter of seconds is hard to beat!  On top of that (and by far the best part for me) we can share these views and chat live with many other like-minded people with relative ease these days.

Carl and I set up Video Astronomy Live a while back as we genuinely love the broadcasting aspect of VA.  Of course there were and still are easier options but we wanted to try and create something a little bit different to suit our needs.  Originally VAL was set up just for us really but we soon realised we could share the site and create channels for many other with little extra cost so why not  :rolleyes: 

There has been bit of interest from people requesting channels but much more from people wanting to watch broadcasts.  Personally, I have not been able to broadcast in weeks as I'm currently updating my setup.  However, I am moving next week (at long last) and will soon continue getting my new kit together so watch this space :shocked: 

So I do hope this is of some interest and as Carl mentioned everyone is welcome to try out the site.  Even if you’re not into streaming yourself just pop over and watch and join the live chat when you can or if you feel like helping to make VAL better and have some ideas yourself please get in touch.  The site is not perfect by any stretch so we appreciate any support we can get! 
Best wishes

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Good luck with your new venture! There are two other video-astrophotography live-cam sites. One is currently escaping my memory regards it's name (it will come to after I am almost asleep later.....They always do. :p) The other has been around for quite awhile - Night Skies Network:


If you haven't checked this out yet, it may give you a few ideas for your endeavor. I'll certainly be looking at yours out there - and bookmark it.

Sounds great!


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