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cpc9.25 or LX200 gps 12"

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Without hesitation I'd go for the CPC, for no other reason than I simply dislike Meade as a company. They produce some really shoddy mechanics and over the years have churned out some pretty poor optics too. Celestron, for my money, are in a different league. The 9.25" would be a fine telescope that would complement your big dob nicely, when you eventually get one.


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The uncertainty principle at work.  :grin:

Apart from having decent aperture these scopes are about as un-Doblike as you can get. Dobs tend to have fast F ratios and a wide FOV, the opposite of SCTs. WIth the long SCT FL automated tracking has a lot to be said for it.

I have a 10 inch Meade and would call the optics quite good. I think on the whole Celestron will be a tad better in comparable aperture but the Meade has more of this useful commodity. I wouldn't worry about external condition. Mine looks like a dog's breakfast but it gives good views. Could you live with the FL of the 12 inch? I feel very boxed in even by mine.

Do they need to be portable? The 12 inch Meade isn't! 

If dew is a problem (maybe not on Rhodes?) factor in the need for dew heaters.


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Moving the 12" LX-series scope's requires a plan if you're going to need to move it any distance by foot. My current techology is to use a long, smooth bench. I place the scope on the bench and slide it to where I want it. This often needs repeating to get there, but that's nothing.

Others use various different wheeled-vehicles to transport. Everyone who makes their own have come up with novel designs. Some are amazing! People discover their "inner-artist" in find ways to lug their 'Big-Blue' from house to site. This is supposing, of course, you don't have a dedicated observatory. I'll bet these scopes are responsible for ½ of all private observatories in the world! :eek::grin:

True words spoken on Meade's mechanical side. The focuser on their SCT's are garbage, as are the declination clutch. These should be fixed. Peterson makes excellent kits to fix these, and other, problems - seeing as Meade is deaf to people's complaints. I've heard they've overhauled their Customer-Service people. I've gotten into fist-fights over the telephone with those dopes before. Once re-done with Pete Peterson's kits, these scopes work remarkably well. That's why I have two of 'em.

Pete Peterson (he's on vacation this week. Try back on the 14th):


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