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M57 - STT8300 First Light


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First Light with my new STT-8300M

Quick go at M57.

Taken with the C11 Edge with the 0.7x Reducer

Luminance 140x30Seconds (Bin 2)

RGB 40x30Seconds (Bin 2) each channel

30 Flats for each filter. Chip cooled to -20degC so dark subtracted in capture software (CCD Ops).


and a crop



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Very good result for 30 sec sub exposure. There are a couple of points that I would like to highlight.

1) With such a small target such as m57 and using a well corrected scope such as the Edge there is very little if any benefit in using a reducer as the target hardly extends beyond the central 20% portion of the image. I would go for full FL if I were you and binning 2x2 is a very good idea.

2 ) There seems to be elongated stars and some coma in the upper left and right hand of the image. The centre and the bottom appear to be fine. You should investigate the optical train orthogonality starting with a check on the sensor tilt.

Hope you don't mind the advice.



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