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What about a monocular , silly question maybe ??

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What about a monocular, I have a small unit Opticron I use when hiking and it’s a brilliant piece of kit and waterproof too, no good for the night sky though, and I have been considering a new pair of binoculars when I came across the Barr and Sprite 10 x 50 monocular with a little table top / car roof tri pod all in for less than £60.00, I do have the Olympus 8 X 40 and really was thinking about the Pentax 12x50.

My thinking behind this is I need something whilst camping we only have a small car and by the time my wife has loaded all her kit and the dog and my kit -- there really is no room left for A scope even a small one, and to be honest I am quite happy on a clear evening to just sit back in a fishing chair with binoculars or monocular???  Your thoughts please as I am undecided now , I had decided on the Pentax Binoculars as I have read the previous threads on this subject , its this Monocular thought that’s done it …

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I have the rubber-coated HELIOS "Discoverer" 10x-25/40mm zoom monocular. It's okay for terrestrial and astronomical viewing. Price around £55.

There's a thread underneath for attaching to a tripod, but I have a camera grip attached to mine.

The minimum focus is about 55cm, so the monocular can be used for impressive closeup views of butterflies and the like, without disturbing them.

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Monoculars are not as comfortable as binoculars to use - oddly it is back to the question of what to do with the spare eyeball.

They are small and will fit in a pocket, however by the time you get a decent one a set of "sport" binoculars is as good, I have a monocular and a set of Praktica 8x25's the Praktica are easy to use at night but no reason against the monocular. I did have the strip my monocular done and totally flock the inside - it had a lot of light bouncing round.

Another aspect is a monocular is not exactly inexpensive, the Opticron 5x30 is £99, likely a bit less if you hunt round.

Another aspect is that I find they are mainly relevant for a look at something, not observing for any length of time. Sort of "Lets see if I can locate the double cluster...Yes there they are," and that is it. With binoculars I will look for longer before I remove them from my eyes.

A monocular is very good for having in a pocket and so easy quick use.

Except for the magnification my spotting scope will allow me to hold in one hand and use like a monocular, if I could drop the magnification to say 8x that would be good.

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Unless you are unfortunate and can use only one eye then for me the equivalent binocular has more advantages optically than a monocular. I have both and find the monocular somewhat more difficult to point accurately and apart from less bulk I prefer the binocular. If the car is too small to fit in the wife, her kit, the dog, and a binocular ,maybe you will have to re-prioritise.  :evil:

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I find that a monocular is like using astraight through finder scope (and I use straight-through finders with both eyes open & just merge the targets from both eyes) - my tendency is to want to use them with both eyes open, which isn't really satisfactory. I don't find closing one eye satisfactory either for long lazy observing which is what I tend to do with binoculars.

However, TLAPD next Wednesday, and that may suggest a solution! :grin:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Many thanks to you all for your replies and views, I have been away hence late feedback
I have to say I am still slightly undecided – my brother strangely enough just purchased a Helios Monocular 12 x 50 to keep in his camper needless to say I have checked this out and was most impressed with it for the money its great though I have not used it against the night sky , I do now think though that I will go for Binoculars possibly the 16 x 50 Helios and pick up a small tripod and use this for the camping / weekend away trips – Woman :shocked: has agreed only one bag from now on, and only 3 pairs of shoes including her flip flops and wellies on our camping trips/ last time out she packed 4 kit bags and 8 pairs of shoes we had a job to fit our Border Terrier in ....

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It may not be fore everyone, but I like a monocular. I stumbled across this 7 x 50 Manon monocular quite some time ago, and was surprised that half a binocular was something that would actually be manufactured. Its very light in weight, fits the hand well, and comfortable to use. Perhaps there are other manufacturers who have also produced these ?

Edit: Better photo.


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