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23rd June - H Alpha

David Smith

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Got lucky with a second gap this afternoon. Decided to break out the PST as I haven't done any H alpha in a while and the view visually was the clincher to dong some imaging :rolleyes2:  All shot with the PST / Baader 2.25x barlow / QHY5-II mono. All 50 frames from ~2000 stacked in AS!2, sharpened etc in imPPG and then finished in GIMP2.8.

19084788775_67de39d147_o.png20150623B by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

19084789065_090c4afdbe_o.png20150623B_mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr


19088041021_78f7b9b781_o.png20150623Binvert_FalseColour by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

19088040391_339f9e39e7_o.png20150623Binvert_mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

I even remembered to shoot flats today :eek:

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