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Skywatcher 200P-DS refuses to lose collimation

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I bought a 200P-DS second hand a year ago from Sheffield, took it back to Manchester, set it up, checked collimation and it was perfect. Cool. Since then I have taken it on a few short trips and it never seemed to lose collimation, I had bought a cheshire that I never got to use. 

Now I took it on a road-trip across Europe, 3700 km (2300 miles for the metric-challenged) in 5 days. I would finally get to use that nice cheshire. Well, no. Or, to be precise I did use it to make extra sure that the collimation was still perfect at the final destination.

I wonder, is this what other 200P-DS owners report?

On the other hand I often have to fiddle with my C8's collimation.

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ive got the 200p and in two years ive only had to touch the collimation 3 times and i though that was good,but it has never left my property,yours has been across Europe, its done well.thanks for sharing and well done for taking good care with your scope.clear skys..charl..

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Not just on the 200, but my 130 can go for months without the need for tweaking once its been set up. The only time I mess with it is when changing correctors or when (very) bored and fancy a bit of tinkering to improve illumination for the CCD (as the 130 does not have a large secondary).

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Ecuador - I think you should demand your money back. You shouldn't be expected to pay good money for a SW scope that isn't a constant source of collimation angst requiring endless posts seeking help on forums like SGL.

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Ecuador - I think you should demand your money back. You shouldn't be expected to pay good money for a SW scope that isn't a constant source of collimation angst requiring endless posts seeking help on forums like SGL.

Don't worry, I also have a Skywatcher mount which is worth a few help threads ;)

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