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Yahooooo !


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Yep waiting for the cloud to clear. I was distraught watching the box forecasts this morning.

Apparently the whole population of the UK lives in and around the M25. Even worse the Beeb have transformed the UK into a slanted point. The SE is huge , tapering to distant Scotia, to which they have superglued clouds.

I remain optimistic, my glass is half full ( of gin and tonic).

Here's to

Clear Skies !

Old Nick.

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We have weather here but it seems to end at 16:00 every day.

According to the Look East weather there is never any after 16:00, until the next day.

Suppose it means they do not need to actually do a forecast for over half the day that way, they do not start the weather until about 6:00AM and they forecast nothing after 16:00 so just 10 hours a day.

They have done it for years and I never understand why.

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...and my bottle is half empty..westons cider!

Well, I've just proven to myself that after alcohol, my addled brain can't merge the views of Saturn in my binoviewer. Never normally have this problem, but threw the scope out and opened a bottle of wine with my wife while waiting for it to cool & get dark...

When I say dark, I mean less light blue.


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Not the best, moist air has picked up all the light pollution. This was more than added to by the huge waning Moon appearing. Lots of glow , but very happy that it's clear enough for double stars,

Old Nick.

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