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The Sun - 13th May 2015

David Smith

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Fortunately the BBC forecast for this morning turned out to be as accurate as ever and the predicted doom-and-gloom was instead replaced with sparkling blue skies. Didn't have a great deal of time as I had an early start for work today, so multi tasking was called for solar imaging and consumption of shreddies :cool:

17610747032_bd57aa7725_o.png20150513 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

17426786899_9e87812af1_o.png20150513mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

And just for fun....

17425280978_45ccb497d8_o.png20150513_Invert by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Lovely discs, Dave, so different to the nearly blank disc we had not so long ago!

I am in shock this morning as the forecast said clear and then partial, and I didn't believe it would be clear at all, but the forecast was RIGHT! Seeing was poor, but 'twas lovely to enjoy an unexpected solar brekkie.

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