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Ethos / Delos / Pentax XW on moon


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I have no doubt that I'll be trying an XW at some point. For me the choice is Delos 10mm or XW 10mm to replace my 10mm Radian. I don't really want to make the change though if I get these effects as I may as well stick with the Radian. Hopefully a future star party will help me choose, although the chances are that the moon won't be about!

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I have no doubt that I'll be trying an XW at some point. For me the choice is Delos 10mm or XW 10mm to replace my 10mm Radian. I don't really want to make the change though if I get these effects as I may as well stick with the Radian. Hopefully a future star party will help me choose, although the chances are that the moon won't be about!


Well, listen to the old advice of going to a star party and comparing the XW10 to a Delos 10 directly. That is the only way to be sure.

I did exactly that and couldn't tell them apart in the dark :o

I love my Pentax XW's but the Delos will match your existing eyepiece colour scheme :)

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One thing I have realised since the incursion of a Delos 8mm into my planetary range is that it is very far from parfocal with the XW10 and XW7, unlike my former XF8.5. I sometimes think I should either switch to Delos, but then I wouldn't have a 7mm, or switch back to the XF, or fill some gaps with SLVs

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One thing I have realised since the incursion of a Delos 8mm into my planetary range is that it is very far from parfocal with the XW10 and XW7, unlike my former XF8.5. I sometimes think I should either switch to Delos, but then I wouldn't have a 7mm, or switch back to the XF, or fill some gaps with SLVs

Interesting, I use a 10mm and 6mm Delos and I am considering a 5mm option, perhaps Pentax. However in terms of being more parfocal and in retaining a more consistent eye placement, I may reconsider and look at the Delos 4.5.

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Scarp 15,

I have the 5mm Xw and it is nowhere near the 6mm Delos or the 4.5mm for that matter, I rarely take them out to a scope together.


Ideally I would be looking at a Leica ASPH Zoom, coupled with a Baader VIP (there is one currently listed in classified). When I do eventually build up some funds later in the year, a 5mm would provide 240X, with my 1200 F/L 8" F6, whilst a 4.5mm would jump to 267X. 

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I know the problem, I just would love this eyepiece too but just don't have that amount in the UK account at the moment, lovely zoom judging by what I have read from site members like Yong and Stu. The 5mm XW is also a class act and mine isn't going anywhere, though I could do with more clear sky to use it.


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Moonshane - next time we are both going up at The Astronomy Centre I can bring along my 10mm XW and you can see how you get on with it. I'll certainly be up for International Solar Day on June 21st.

Regards, Paul

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