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I have 10% more sky!


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...and it's not a TV special offer!

After over  a year of negotiating with our local town council, they have today removed the overgrown trees and hedge (above 2m) between my garden and the park behind. 

I can see north east for the first time in years! Yippee - scopes out! 

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We have a holly bush growing really high and oak trees. Cannot see north or west. They have grown loads in the past 7 years I've been doing astronomy. Whilst I would love to see that way, the moment I cut them, the effects will be ruined by light flooding into the garden. :-(

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hmmm, now lets see,

My back garden is facing a few degrees East of Due South. Behind me, blocking quite a bit of South is a damn great Red brick house. I think that will have to go first. Then, on the west side of my garden is another not quite so large house that blocks the view to the West/North West. That one will have to go next. On the SouthEast corner of my garden is a flippin great Tree, not only does that block my view of the sky but it also shades some of my solar panels at certain times.


I need two big blocks of Cemtex and a great big chain saw :evil:

How you fixed, any offers :grin:

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