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Dragon CRS-6 pass with second stage and payload doors

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This was the pass last night (14-04-15) of the Dragon capsule approx. 20 mins after launch on it's way to the ISS. I was expecting to just see a single point of light but along with some friend with me I was amazed to see two bright points of light close together with fainter points on either side fading up and down. It looks like the second bright point was the recently separated second stage and the fainter objects the two payload doors tumbling uncontrolled on either side.





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Nice capture.

I had my DLSR ready to try for this but the remote failed at the critical moment (was not best pleased  :mad: ) ..... However the pass looked fantastic through binos.

Could clearly see 2 brighter objects in the centre flanked by the 2 dimmer ones ....  stunning sight!


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Great capture!  :cool2:

Your images prompted me to take a look on this beautiful clear evening while out walking the dogs, firstly watched the ISS go across at  21.15 at maximum altitude 31 degrees followed by two objects at 10 degrees altitude around 21.33 and 21.34 on exactly the same line and speed, the first object at 21.33 being the brighter followed at 21.34 by the fainter object all naked eye ...neither of the two fairings observable naked eye.


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Awesome capture!!  I saw a similar launch pass over last summer and was determined to have a go at photographing this one.  I was observing at my local group's dark site on the 14th, but was so engrossed in whatever I was doing, I lost track of time and missed it  :embarrassed:

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