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Saharan Dust

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Many will have heard the reports of Saharan dust in the atmosphere at the moment. Can't say that I have noticed it here in Yorkshire, but the people on the telly seem to think it is in the air.

Having had my car turned red in the past, should I be concerned about uncovering the tube on my Skywatcher Explorer at the moment?

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Cant say i have noticed it recently. About a year ago (mothers day 2014) it was crazy. It normally happens here in Ireland and UK in Sept. I guess it just takes one big sand storm down there in North Africa and the high atmospheric winds to blow in the right direction (from the south, as they have been this week with the warm weather).

I'd be dubious about using a scope with a mirror on it (reflector) if there is Saharan sand about. It wont damage the mirror, but you'd need to blow it off with a rocket blower or something after every session.

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I'd be dubious about using a scope with a mirror on it (reflector) if there is Saharan sand about. It wont damage the mirror, but you'd need to blow it off with a rocket blower or something after every session.

Thanks. It's a shame because I had another good night last night (good view of Jupiter and Venus, and even branched out to looking at a star - Capella) so am keen to get out again tonight, but good do without the complication of having to clean the mirror.

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Thanks. It's a shame because I had another good night last night (good view of Jupiter and Venus, and even branched out to looking at a star - Capella) so am keen to get out again tonight, but good do without the complication of having to clean the mirror.

The dust really shouldnt make a difference to the views and it wont damage the mirror. Depending on how much of it is floating about, it just means you might need to blow it off. To be honest, its not something i'd spend too much time worrying about. Use your scope as normal, but just remember to blow off the dust every other day perhaps. 

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I am sure I just heard a report or comment that the EU intend to bring in limits. :confused:

How are they intending to prevent the wind picking up dust and sand from the Sahara and carrying it North to us?

More relevant if it does carry stuff North who are they going to fine?

Should clear overnight, rain and cold coming in from the West. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Use your scope as normal, but just remember to blow off the dust every other day perhaps. 

I suppose what I should have said was that I don't have a clue about cleaning the mirror.

You can probably tell that I am a complete beginner when I ask..."how do I blow dust off something that at the other end of the tube"?

If the answer includes the word "dismantle" then you might make me cry! :)

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Down here in Spain we are practically bathing in it right now and it's a fairly common occurrence too. Not a great deal you can do about it but I observe and image at both day and night when it's clear but sandy, never gave too much thought to it even though if you leave the scope out all night you will see a layer of dust.

Bringing it in is only a slight help as everything inside the house gets a good layer of sand too.

Might as well use the scope I say.

Here is a great forecast map for the dust, it's only going to get worse for me in the coming days.


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Everything is going topsy-turvy. You guys get desert sands and I'm getting northern rains :icon_scratch:

It doesn't stop raining :BangHead: Day after day after day. Cloud, rain, more cloud, more rain.....

This is the forecast for the weekend and into next week. I'm about half an hour from the Mediterranean coast :icon_rolleyes:

NB: 0 hours of clear skies.


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Everything is going topsy-turvy. You guys get desert sands and I'm getting northern rains :icon_scratch:

It doesn't stop raining :BangHead: Day after day after day. Cloud, rain, more cloud, more rain.....

This is the forecast for the weekend and into next week. I'm about half an hour from the Mediterranean coast :icon_rolleyes:


Mental because the forecast for next week in the UK and Ireland is for sun,and tempts again in the high teens (18-20c)

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We've got high pollution and "blood rain" forecast don't think I'll be doing much imaging  :grin:

At least it seems that the blood rain will be the end of the dust (for now).

Judging by the forecast, it looks like conditions may not be very favorable until Tuesday evening for me...seems I have been spoilt for the past couple of nights.

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At least it seems that the blood rain will be the end of the dust (for now).

Judging by the forecast, it looks like conditions may not be very favorable until Tuesday evening for me...seems I have been spoilt for the past couple of nights.

I've had fog for the last couple of nights but looking OK  ATM.


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This was the view from NOAA19 at dinner time today.

Hard to see any dust in there apart from southern Spain and North Africa.

Think there is a very slight pink tinge to the clouds over Biscay.

Here is the full image resized about a third, followed by a closer view of the UK.

Image data from NOAA CLASS



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Car looks good today!


Last year when it struck in March/April, it was so bad that every car wash within miles had queues of about 10 cars all day,every day. I wasnt gonna sit in those queues. I left my car til the dust had passed and then cleaned it. I did clean the windows though because apparently its illegal to drive a car if you cant see out of the windows.

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Last year when it struck in March/April, it was so bad that every car wash within miles had queues of about 10 cars all day,every day. I wasnt gonna sit in those queues. I left my car til the dust had passed and then cleaned it. I did clean the windows though because apparently its illegal to drive a car if you cant see out of the windows.

It happens a few times a year here and looks as if it will still be around for another week or so, absolutely no point in cleaning it now.

Problem is it's against the law to wash a car outside of a designated car wash area here so technically I could get in trouble if a neighbour reported me washing the car. I'm loathed to pay for something I can do myself but I have found a carwash where you can stay in the car which I haven't seen for years so maybe I can reminisce a little.

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