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The Sun - 5th Apr 2015

David Smith

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More in hope than anticipation I put the scope out this afternoon. Caught a few fleeting glimpses but no gaps large enough to grab an image. Finally decided to give up and pack the scope away just before 5pm. No sooner had I done so than the sky cleared! Just about managed to get set back up and grab 150 frames before the Sun ducked behind a house top.

17042472312_66dc2a38ee_o.png20150405 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

16856395980_c51aefd99c_o.png20150405mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

Clear Outside says solar is on tomorrow, BBC says not so who know!

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Very nice images. David.

That was a great idea to pretend to the clouds that you were packing up :laugh:

I was lucky to catch a few tiny gaps earlier in the day. Just as well there was a second little gap, I got one frame for my flat with the first gap :grin:

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