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A Fully Automated Imaging Observatory - WIP


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Just want to back up what Daz said about an IP based PDU. Having spent years working in data centres, there is just no substitute if you are genuinely remote (which to me means more than 2 minutes walk away.) Sometimes turning it off and on again is the only solution!

Also, have you looked at the Optec Flip-flat? http://www.optecinc.com/astronomy/catalog/alnitak/flipflat.htm I've just added one of these to my shopping list - but if you have the resources to make your own I guess it saves money for other things.

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I have indeed seen the Optec website but thanks for placing the link as it may well be of interest to others. Assuming that my design works ;-), the total cost will be around £50 which represents a massive saving! If it doesn't work, you'll read it here first!!

Sent from my iPhone from somewhere dark .....

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You may want to also consider something like http://www.scorptec.com.au/product/Networking_-_Wired/IP_Power/38561-9258HP for the remote management of power.. (sorry to add to your cost base!)

Also, a good thread here which may have some other nuggets... http://www.iceinspace.com.au/forum/archive/index.php/t-108878.html

And I have just acquired the cloud watcher so will be interested in findings from you and others...


Regarding the IP PDU, I use the 9858 with UK sockets in my setup - can be got from here  http://www.openxtra.co.uk/p/ip-power-switch-uk-4-port-ip9258uk

Look forwarding to watching your progress as doing much the same here, using SGP as a base so recovery after obs shutdown is not I think  currently possible.

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Regarding the IP PDU, I use the 9858 with UK sockets in my setup - can be got from here  http://www.openxtra.co.uk/p/ip-power-switch-uk-4-port-ip9258uk

Look forwarding to watching your progress as doing much the same here, using SGP as a base so recovery after obs shutdown is not I think  currently possible.

Did you get the IP9255EU version?

Bah i should read better LOL

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For power & sensor control I decided to use these..



I had thought about building my own and trying to write Ascom drivers for it all but decided I just don't have the time.  They have Ascom drivers & so are supported by just about if not all the software that would be discussed here. Network or USB connectivity and scriptable control/monitoring.

I've been using the lightwave control system around the house for some time & used that for a while to control power in the Obsy but it's not really easily incorporated into the Obsy automation. http://www.lightwaverf.co.uk/

With the Platypus/Firefly I can automate switching & sensors for individual components/configurations. For instance I have 3 Atiks. Normally with them all connected the software ( Maxim in this case ) will pop up a dialogue box to select which one (serial number) to use but if this is on auto connect with ACP its a pain. So currently I have 2 imaging setups on the mount. I switch configurations depending if I'm using the Esprit or the SCT & this is easily scriptable selecting which power relays to engage. Same with shutting down, closing roof & turning on the humidifier for instance. You can also have this dependant on what the state of the sensor inputs are too.. if the mount parked sensor is not closed then "do not close the roof" "do something else" for example.

I can even use it as another method to detect intrusion. I have several independent alarm systems/methods :). Thats something else to consider as part of automation.. Arming/Disarming. Do you still want monitoring when the Obsys in use? I do.. I'm able to differentiate between normal movement of the operating Obsy and movement of an intruder.. (or cat). Not wanting to give too much away here.. :evil:.

You'll also want cameras to see whats going on too.

Also, USB simulation of resetting a device via the disable/enable in the drivers doesn't always work. I've found being able to switch an individual powered hub useful to clear this issue. Otherwise the only way to reset the device/port is to go and unplug/plug the cable back in!

EDIT: I should add, I'm talking about switching 12v DC & 240v AC levels here. You should be comfortable with handling/working with MAINS wiring, otherwise get a qualified electrician to do this.. please!

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So many goodies to add if you want to - I love it but for now, I'm going to keep it (relatively) simple!

Automatic switching is part of the 'test-bed' phase of this project so I am grateful for the inputs here as I would like eventually (as a minimum) wish to remotely control power to the PC, camera(s), focuser, mount, dome drive, weather monitor and dehumidifer. Until I sent the unit back, I did have this all working - with the exception of the PC - via USB but standalone Internet control will be required for the testbed. The advantages of having thus control were immediately obvious.

I have given a lot of thought to security in the implementation of this new system but for obvious reasons, none of this will be reported here apart from one little trick that I am particularly proud of as it only cost me a total of £20.00 to implement - I present my auto cellphone caller which calls my mobile phone and sets off a specific ringtone on my iPhone if intrusion is detected:-


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Very nifty Steve.. way cheaper than my alarm dialler implementation, although it also serves as a backup to the main house alarm too..

As promised here's my current settings for the CloudWatcher... a year on of tweaking.



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Thank you for those AAG settings, I now have a baseline to work from - what is surprising is how far adrift some of them are from the defaults that came with the device! Plenty of experimentation to do on this facet alone!

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It's almost impossible to stay in there when they go off...

I can confirm that just about any alarm in a dome is very painful - the number of times I accidentally set my current one off when I stupidly leave the remote commander in my pocket :BangHead:

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Thank you for those AAG settings, I now have a baseline to work from - what is surprising is how far adrift some of them are from the defaults that came with the device! Plenty of experimentation to do on this facet alone!

There's probably a fair variation in component tolerances between units. Certainly, going by the variations in settings I've seen posted on the yahoo support group, I don't think any two units will setup the same. I've taken a note of the real conditions & compared to what the AAG was showing then tweaked to suit. There are still occasions when it may show overcast & its actually clear.. seems to be when the air temp is unseasonally warm. It has been stable over this winter with these settings but I have noticed it needs adjusting during the seasonal changes. It was fairly stable over last summer but I had to tweak fairly constantly over 2 or 3 months of Autumn. I was expecting to need the same over Spring but not noticed yet. Mind I probably won't bother changing anything anyway as I've normally stopped imaging by the end of April into May as we rapidly start running out of astro darkness.

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Here's something to consider with placement of the CloudWatcher. I've never had this "problem" before as I've usually packed up for summer having lost Astronomical darkness by the time it's got this warm. It was 19c when I got home from work tonight. The leading edge of the roof (covered in black rubber) faces west so has the last of the sun. My Cloudwatcher is mounted on a support at the end of the runoff so the roof comes within a foot of it when it opens. As you can see the heat from it has caused it to read cloudy when its clear. So when ACP Scheduler opened the roof tonight it imediately got an unsafe & closed up. I've just set the unsafe to be overcast for now as you can see it is pretty sensitive.. I'm going to have to move it.


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Thank you for that information, very timely as I am currently deciding where to place my CloudWatcher. I was originally going to place it on a fence post behind my Observatory but realised that my neighbours wooden workshop (with felt roof) was pretty close and I have seen the 'heat haze' from this roof in the past so had already decided this was not an ideal location and your post has now confirmed that. In many ways, I am pleased to hear that it is that sensitive.

I was thinking of placing the unit lower down as it only needs to be pointing at an angle towards the sky so height is not critical providing it is away from local ground effects (at an angle to allow rain water to run off the sensor). With this in mind, I was thinking of placing it on a small post that will also acts as a door détente when I want to leave the observatory door open but not swinging in the breeze - this would make cleaning the external surfaces of the sensor and covering it to protect it from the Sun a lot easier too.

On a different note, I have almost completed my automatic Flats/Dust cap and will be posting up a set of photos and a video in the next few days. I have the servo control system all working without the load of the flap itself and have worked out a neat mounting solution to the telescope, soldered up the power rails and relay etc. so just need to mount all the components together as a whole unit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have my sensor placed about 10 foot awy from my dome on one of the compost thingy posts, it is sheltered a bit from northen winds, but we very rarley get them here mostly southernly or easterly.

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ADDITIONAL NOTE 2 - Additional information regarding my Automatic Flat data file attachment for those interested in this project:-

Automatic Flat data file attachment

I have now got my prototype Flat-flap working. As you can see, it works perfectly under remote control and will be operated automatically using CCD Commander when fully commissioned.

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Steve a word of warnign with the flap, make sure you balance your scope with it in open I did it with mine shut and it does change the balance point.

Im also find the balance shifts as the ota points to other parts f the sky due to the weight of the unit on one side so it might be wortth considering counter balancing it.

Id be very interested to hear if you have any issues and how you deal with them regarding this.

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Im also find the balance shifts as the ota points to other parts f the sky due to the weight of the unit on one side so it might be wortth considering counter balancing it.

That's an interesting observation - thanks for the warning, I will check that out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ADDITIONAL NOTE 3 - Time Lapse video of the installation of the new dome for those interested in this project:-

The structure finally arrives and is commissioned!

A short timelapse video showing the installation

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