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Quick question about focusing


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As some of you are aware I have just got hold of a canon 600D. I had a quick test the other night and boy was I impressed. Just one thing, As it was a quick test I just fiddled with the focusing knob till I could see some faint stars and then just hoped it was ok. For my next test I would like to see if I could get better focus. I have a bahtinov mask but due to the size of the stars I cant see how I can use it, Unless there is somehting Im missing. any help would be welcome.


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I use a 600D and i also just started using a bahtinov. Its as simple as finding a bright enough star to focus on really. So easy to focus using one, especially if you can see the star on a laptop. I used to use a FWHM function on my APT software but after using the mask only twice i can see its going to be much easier to achieve focus now.


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Agree with above, find a bright star, switch on live view, then either position the star in the middle of the screen or move the small white box using the direction keys on your camera to a position where the star is in the middle of the box. Use 5x or better still 10x mag (right hand one of two buttons at top/right/back of camera with blue + and -). You can then focus the telescope more accurately using this bright star. I then lock the telescope focus so that it cannot slip.

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