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Help with DSLR Controller software please.


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Last night I was out taking pictures of Comet Lovejoy and the Pleiades using my Canon 1100D with 50mm lens on an Astrotrac.  I was using  DSLR Controller software for focus and framing and decided to try to use the intervalometer function to control exposures.  The intervalometer worked fine, but I couldn't find out how to view the images as they came in on DSLR controller with the intervalometer running.  Does anyone know if this is possible and if so how do I do it?


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I use APT. Very nice package. I set up a plan of exposure (with intervals, etc), and the latest image captured is shown on the screen. Works a treat with my EOS 450D

I too use APT on my laptop.  This imaging sessions was a quick set up grab'n'go imaging session at my local astro soc observing evening.  I didn't want the hassle of lugging around a laptop so I used my Android phone.

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I use this great app as well but not the function you have been using.

Perhaps this function on dslr dashboard might give a preview (I don't like it as much but it is free)?

APT won't work on a android tablet or phone which DSLR Dashboard suggests the OP is using.

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DSLR Dashboard for Android does work fairly well. There is an option to view images after they have been shot but I'm not sure if it works with the intervalometer running. I would test for you but my 1000d stopped working v.v

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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I always put the camera into RAW+JPEG mode.  After a sub comes in you can view the JPEG with windows picture viewer (or any other image viewing software).  I use the Canon utility software but the method should work with any capture software.

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Yes the codec works just fine on Win7 with Canon and allows a quick scroll through preview with Win Live before opening any other software. But my reply is not helping with viewing live capture.

Happy-Cat, why not just install ML on one of your SD cards and do everything on Camera. Again I'm not helping the OP.

However, somehow or other back when I recieved my timer grip, I entered a setting sequence that had the interval slightly longer than the captured on camera display time setting. Thus to my at the time dismay, after every shot, it would appear on the camera screen in the between times before the next shot. Snag is I can't remember what I did because it was not what I wanted to see. Typical me, push this button to see what happens!.

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I have tested this on my 7 inch tablet and do get a preview of the previous shot as it has taken in. Hope my screen captures illustrate this.

This is the third in the sequence and can see the image is different to what was image 1 and 2.


On the sequence of 4 images finishing.


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