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Star Adventurer ST80 & Quark


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Got bored with the Sun hiding behind the trees so modded an old dovetail and fixed this up today, can now set up somewhere I can see the Sun and test the Quark on the ST80 and the  Star Adventurers solar tracking setting, just need to find more counter weight.

Don't know about the focusing which was enough trouble on a decent scope, the ST80 focuser is pretty rubbish.



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I looked at one of these mounts, but decided that it didn't offer much over my trusty Merlin mount and with a counter weight doesn't weight any less either. I like the idea of a really light weight mount that is simple, light and quick to set up, but even after buying a Cube Pro I still prefer my Merlin, which is what is with me now and also on two summer campaigns to Europe. That said, I might try my Cube Pro next time, it is slightly smaller and it's shape makes it easier to pack. I would be interested in what you think of the Adventurer for solar though?

I tried my Quark on my ST80 but found that the focuser just wasn't up to the job and the 1.25" fitting and diagonal I had were just too floppy to give consistent results. I don't think there is anything wrong with the optics on a ST80, just fit a 2" 10:1 focuser and it will be fine.

My current scope a WO Zenithstar 80 is superb at solar, but I am starting to think that at F6.8 it has a little too long focal length for a Quark, unless the conditions are really good (most of my images appear grainy, indicating too high an F number for the conditions). I think something sub F6 might be best, perhaps F5 to F5.5, ED or Apo and around 80 to 85mm would be best.


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there does look quite a bit weight on that focusser.

Focuser is the weak point, TS do a nice Crayford replacement, bit expensive but I really don't want to buy another scope for solar, already got six and planning on Lunt Cak  and lusting after the new WO Star 71 astrograph for widefiled astro, can only sneak so much in past the astro spending police  :grin:

PS: forgot the 274 sensor CCD camera


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Focuser is the weak point, TS do a nice Crayford replacement, bit expensive but I really don't want to buy another scope for solar, already got six and planning on Lunt Cak  and lusting after the new WO Star 71 astrograph for widefiled astro, can only sneak so much in past the astro spending police  :grin:

PS: forgot the 274 sensor CCD camera


I am sure it does the job well enough. I have wanted a new focusser for my C9.25 for ages, but like you say only so much you can spend!

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Would be interested to hear your thoughts on the Star Adveturer for solar as I have been considering that myself recently?


Will try again when / if the Sun appears, considering I only aligned it by standing it on some PA  marks from a previous night the solar tracking worked a treat and it has a handy little 12x  RA forward and reverse and a fine adjustment Dec knob that is great for moving around the Sun surface .

You need a solid tripod, I purchased  a Velbon DV7000 on recommendation from forum members and it does the job.


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Nice portable set up

I'll have to try the st80 against my little 66SD, the extra resolution might win over the apo optics in this case.

This is assuming we more than a quite break in the clouds and time to mess around testing different bits of kit or course

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  • 4 months later...

That's a nice set up. The focuser can be improved by stripping, adjusting and removing the SW tar !! but is never going to be great. You can get some reasonable images though. This one was from a week or so back with ST80 and ASI120


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