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South West USA - Astro sights or sites?


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I am planning a trip to the South West USA next year. Anyone have  recommended astro sites worth a visit? At the moment I just have the Very Large Array which looks impressive. I will obviously try some dark sky sites but I'm thinking of other astro related sites worth a visit like observatories, space centres etc. Any suggestions gratefully received.


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Don't forget to check the moons phase. All too easily forgotten in the excitement of planning holidays........... 

That is a very good point! I'm flexible on timing so I'll certainly check. 

Kitt Peak is a great suggestion and on my planned route. Unfortunately southern California may be a bit too far. Thanks to all for the tips so far 

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You might check out Mt Lemmon, http://skycenter.arizona.edu, in Tucson, Arizona. If you've never visited this's area, keep in mind that distances are vast. My wife and I are finishing up a nine day drive from San Diego, Calif to Taos, New Mex and will probably end up with 3200 kilometers on the truck. Driving time has to be factored in.

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I am planning a trip to the South West USA next year. Anyone have  recommended astro sites worth a visit? At the moment I just have the Very Large Array which looks impressive. I will obviously try some dark sky sites but I'm thinking of other astro related sites worth a visit like observatories, space centres etc. Any suggestions gratefully received.


The SWUSA is a very big place - a bit like someone saying "I'm going to Germany" :grin:

If you're planning on visiting the VLA (I went there some years back), I guess you'll be in Arizona / NM. At the time, the VLA building had a building with a walk-around presentation and a short film showing what they do. Maybe that's changed now?

There are a few astronomical "things" around Alamagordo and if you want to do some observing, there's NM Skies that you might be able to book in for a few nights.

And there's always Roswell ...

P.S. apropos weather: Try to avoid the monsoon season :eek:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for all the suggestions. I am now getting excited because I booked my flights this week and I'm off in May. I have been thinking about this trip for about ten years and now I'm finally gonna go! 

I'm now working out my itinerary which covers some astro sites, some natural wonders (e.g. Monument Valley) and some arty sites. Hoping to find some nice dark skies as well and now wondering what gear I should take. It's going to fun just planning it.

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When I'm finished in the forces im going to buy a house in mid Wales. Once I through the grip bags through the door both me and her are jumping on a flight to SWUSA for around 6 weeks.

Can you please give me a SITREP on your return.

I do like my fellow Irishman Paul's suggestion on Roswell! Got to be done

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Sounds like you're going to have fantastic trip Kerry. My favs from the American SW for scenery and dark skies: Death Valley, Bryce, Arches, Zion and Natural Bridges, not the most spectacular of the NPs but the darkest skies.

Trouble is there are so many amazing places to visit, your hardest job is going to be deciding what to leave out. Good luck.  :smiley:

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  • 1 month later...

Since my original post I have been confirming my plans for the three weeks. I am very much looking forward to it  - for me it is literally the trip of a lifetime. I have been planning a detailed itinerary to enable me to book some places including a session at Mt Lemmon observatory near Tucson, and I also intend to visit the McDonald observatory in Texas as well as the Lowell Observatory near Flagstaff although I may miss that one as the moon will not be favourable on that date. I also go past the VLA and there are a few other sites too where dark skies should be good.

As Jon said the hard part has been deciding what to leave out but also how to fit in the places that are absolute musts for me . I am reasonably happy now with my choices and can't wait to hit the road in the hired Mustang  - yes I know, but it had to be done!

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