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The Sun - 29th Nov 2014

David Smith

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Forecast clear skies turned out to be mostly broken cloud and haze :sad: Managed to grab a few frames in the gaps though to put this together. Worth the effort today as there is lots going on. Left the scope out as it's forecast to be clear this evening although if it's the same "clear" as the rest of the day scope will be back in with little use - fingers crossed.

15905719805_4382e08b70_o.png20141129 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

15879925256_58db880158_o.png20141129mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Ah David, I feel your pain.  I looked at your location to see if you were near me (Cambridgeshire) as you perfectly describe the conditions here today,  but "Planet Bong" doesn't give much away ;-)  

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