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Laptop + night vision..?


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In view of the upcoming star party, I was wondering, what do you guys do to stop your laptop screens from blinding everybody?

The other week I tried setting up a red theme, which about drove me mental, and in the end I coudlnt see the mouse, cursor or anything....

Is there a way to go dark/red temporarily? What does the etiquette require of laptop users?



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Software such as, Starry Night Pro, TheSky6, Maxim DL and Astroart, all have a 'night vision' setting, which gives a red screen.

However, when I was using a really old lap-top that couldn't handle this, I made up a red screen cover from a sheet of acetate.

This is the stuff they use to cover theatrical 'spot lights', and comes in a variety of colours.

I bought a sheet from a local shop that hired out disco equipment, which of course included lighting.


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I can't get it to work either blinky. I think I'll try again tomorrow, but nothing happens at present, no matter what I do with the sliders. If all else fails, I'll read the instructions. :afro:

Since I use EQMOD, I normally cover the screen with one of those red plastic folders that WH Smith sell. It fits a treat.


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Do you know, I never even thought of using red acetate! What a great idea.

Also, It gives me an excuse to buy and eat loads of 'quality street' chocs, then use the wrappers, stuck to the screen.

I cant do star charts, I NEED the lappy, as I dont really do visual stuff. Hell, when the au pair arrives I'm not even gonna do laptop stuff, just leave a sheet of instructions and dock her pay for out of focus images.

I was under the impression that red light had NO effect whatsoever on night vision. So is that not the case? Does it affect it slightly?



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I was under the impression that red light had NO effect whatsoever on night vision. So is that not the case? Does it affect it slightly?

Yep it does :afro:. But I'd guess its OK if you are imaging or just trying to stop the light from your laptop annoying the bloke in the next pitch at a star party.

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what REALLY annoys me when imaging (I use that term in the loosest sense, probably "exposing" would be better, but that sounds dodgy), is the [glow=red,2,300] GREEN[/glow] light on top of the canon cameras, right in your eyeball, and on what is touted as an astro cam too.

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Hmm, I was under the impression that the inbuilt dark frame subtraction technology was a fair indication that they do value the business that arises from astro sales?

I read that somewhere. Might have been in the Daily Star. Weren't many pictures as I recall.


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Thats just something they can implement in software/ firmware that doesn't really cost any money. Moving a green led (that should be red anyway) from a camera already in production is more than the few cameras they sell to astronomers is worth.

I read that in the Daily Sport, it must be true!! :afro:

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I like the red folder from W.H. Smith idea.

I'm using a Mac PowerBook for webcam imaging, and I've got DarkAdapted to work OK, once I discovered the 'bright red' setting instead of 'dark red' which turned everything black. Also, must remember to get a BabyBel wrapper to cover the annoyingly bright Apply logo on the lid.

AstroPlanner is a good laugh too - press <esc> and speak (!) 'Night Vision On', and the screen dips to dark red. All I need now is a new battery so that I get more than 10 minutes of imaging at a time. And I won't get told off by the bloke next door again I hope.

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