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Mini handcontroller for EQmod??


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Anyone have any ideas about a mini-hand controller you could use with EQMod?

I find using the gamepad is like playing space invaders!

I've got a wireless key pad and that works well but to be honest overkill for the movement and speed keys which get used most of the time.

Has any come across something more compact??

A little "Project Box" 50 x 100mm with arrow keys and a few push buttons would be easy to handle and use....

(Like the ol' Losmandy GM8 paddle)

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But I really don't think "most" EQMOD users want such a thing though.  I accept that you don't get on with gampads but in my experience the vast majority of EQMOD users find gamepads ideal mount controllers. I really doubt there is a sufficient market for anyone to invest time and effort into producing such a thing commercially (but if any one wants to design one as a open source/open hardware hobby project I'll hapilly promote it via the EQMOD Project website).

A mobile phone app bluetoothing into with a windows joystick type driver is possible alternative though and I think there are such things already available.


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I am very happt with my PS3 gamepad with EQMOD. It works very good and I agree that most users find it the most suitable solution. That function that I miss is that I want to control the focuser with the same gamepad but I have not found any workning solution for that.

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If you have a dual joystick gamepad then ascompad (another on of the EQMOD apps) can share the gamepad with EQMOD in order to provide focuser control via the right hand stick (or you can assign buttons provided you take care to keep eqmod and focuser buttons mutually exclusive). Ascompad can also act as a filter selector if you have an ascom filter wheel driver.


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