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The "No EQ" DSO Challenge!


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Well I had another go at processing M64, spending a bit more time on it and using bias frames instead of darks as Olly Penrose has suggested, but of course DSS won't let you add the same files for the bias frames as well, so I left it at that. So whether I'm doing it right goodness knows. Still, I think this is about the best I'm going to get with this limited data set. There's no substitute for photons!

Autosave001 bias4dks ST1.jpg



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1 hour ago, The Admiral said:

Thanks Nigel. Yup, good luck, there is an infinity of options :icon_biggrin:


Ian, I took the liberty to download and run your M64 through the Photoshop express app, it's made a bit of difference. 

The first time I used the app I couldn't believe what it done to my images, and it's free ?

I hope you don't mind.




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Hi Nige

No that's OK. Does it automatically optimise the image, or do you manually select operations? If so, which ones did you use?

I've a variety of photo manipulation software, but I didn't post-process the ST processed image. I tend to be PC based only and wouldn't want to swap the image from one  to t'other. I'd like to think that you should be able to get the same using ST, but I'm a long way from taming it!


Edited by The Admiral
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8 hours ago, The Admiral said:

Hi Nige

No that's OK. Does it automatically optimise the image, or do you manually select operations? If so, which ones did you use?

I've a variety of photo manipulation software, but I didn't post-process the ST processed image. I tend to be PC based only and wouldn't want to swap the image from one  to t'other. I'd like to think that you should be able to get the same using ST, but I'm a long way from taming it!


I used manual rather than auto, mainly Clarify,  sharpen and denoise , I  took a screen shot of the app,  

To process an image takes only a few minutes,  The auto  optimise tends to over do it though


the 2 screen shots show the main adjustment tools. 


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8 hours ago, Slynxx said:

One of my first DIY attempts at DSO.
Skywatcher 130P
Skywatcher Synscan Alt-Az Goto
Canon 700D
DSS & Photoshop.
Can't remember how many frames. No Darks, Flats or Bias.


Nice image of M42 thanks for sharing ?

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On 15/04/2016 at 18:25, Nigel G said:

Ian, I took the liberty to download and run your M64 through the Photoshop express app, it's made a bit of difference. 

The first time I used the app I couldn't believe what it done to my images, and it's free ?

I hope you don't mind.


I had another go to improve the image in Star Tools, but I just can't seem to find the right formula, even assuming it is possible. However, I did import it into Lightroom and did a bit of light tweaking there, and I think it is improved. It's an extra step but I think it worth doing.

Autosave001 bias4dks ST1 LR1.jpg


PS. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I find it extremely difficult to get anywhere near the same output from ST by re-doing the processing, unless I use the ST log and enter the same parameters as I did before!

Edited by The Admiral
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23 hours ago, Herzy said:

I used a Nexstar SLT mount for this one. M42 is low in the sky so light pollution is awful. However I was able to capture some detail in it!


Light pollution or not, you picked up a lot of the nebula and the Running Man. What did you use to process it, because dedicated astro packages can help clean up any background light pollution?


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Believe it or not, I used after effects. You probably haven't heard of it because it's not an image editor, but a video editor. It's by the same company that makes photoshop so there are a lot of similarities between the two. I didn't use any dedicated astro-packages, but I tried my best to get rid of the light pollution!

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I fixed that! My DSLR was weighing down th back so it was giving bad star trails. I just attached a bag of flour to the front to balance it out. I don't always get good stars, but maybe 70% of my pictures work out well!


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A good night last night after sorting out dew problem,  started taking lights at 2am after street lights go out, what a difference. 

M27 Dumbbell nebula.  48x20s @ 1600 iso,  40 dark, 50 bias. 150p canon 1200d. DSS & StarTools. 



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Another clear night (last night) so some more images today :-) The first is of the cluster M52 and (just) the Bubble Nebula NGC 7635 in Cassiopeia caught in the same field. 

M52 and Bubble Nebula NGC 7635.jpg

Equipment SkyWatcher Startravel 102mm refractor and SynScan alt-az mount plus Canon 600D DSLR. x40 forty second light exposures at ISO 1600, x50 dark frames, x50 flat frames and x50 bias frames. Frames stacked in DSS and processed in StarTools.

Second image, open cluster NGC 7510 with the Bubble Nebula and Sharpless 2-158 (NGC 7536) in the same field.

NGC 7510NoRGBSaveSave2.jpg

 Equipment SkyWatcher Startravel 102mm refractor and SynScan alt-az mount plus Canon 600D DSLR. x31 forty second light exposures at ISO 1600, x50 dark frames, x50 flat frames and x50 bias frames. Frames stacked in DSS and processed in StarTools.

A close up of the Bubble Nebula taken from the above-

Bubble nebula close up C11 NGC 7635.jpg

And of Sharpless 2-158-

Sharpless 2-159 close up.jpg

There was an almost full Moon affecting the imaging last night so it will be well worthwhile revisiting on a darker evening.


Edited by SteveNickolls
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14 hours ago, The Admiral said:

That's a lovely image Nige, I'm quite envious. Mind you, 2am, that's suffering for your art in my book! And the total exposure isn't that long either, which I guess is a result of a decent aperture.


I spent the night trying to photograph the flaming neb, M5, an attempt at black eye galaxy which was ruined by dew before I realised then finally the Dumbbell. I have only processed M27 now computer is knackered, hard drive packed up.  Praying I haven't lost everything. But a very enjoyable night Saturday, bed by 4am ☺

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