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hi all just want to ask is there something wrong with me? ive had my telescope about a month ive viewed saturn ,pleides,m42,mars and lots of stars the thing is i cant stop talking and thinking about the skys and telescopes its got to the point where im even considering moving house so i can have better views of the heavens.when ive had a nght out with the wife she goes mad cos im looking out of the taxi window at the sky or if we are walking im just looking up and not listening to a word shes saying. ive started calling my kids names like nebula head and mini plough does anyone think i need my head testing or am i normal. :?

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Hi Markenroj,

I don't think thats unusual at all, in fact i can relate to it quite well.

I always look to the skies as it gets dark, to see what time I get to see polaris,

7.30, 7.45 or 8.00, and then get the scope outside to chill out, and be ready for later on.............

and then...............hold on, must go, Nursey is coming with my medicine!

:cry::):wink::clouds1::) :)

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Well my missus reckons I always have my head in the clouds. It's not unusual to fall in love with a hobby when you first start it. Once the initial lust has worn off your telescope will be like an old pair of slippers, always there should you need it. Mrs thing is doubly blessed as I was a glider pilot for years, and like astronomy, the weather is crucial. In fact I was looking at the unstable CU's thrown up by the passage of the last cold front yesterday and thinking 'There's about 2 or 3 up there, enough for a quick 100k triangle.' Once you are cursed with an interest like that, it never leaves you. Same with astronomy, I shall walk to the quiz night tonight at about 9pm and I can guarantee that that the 'quiz night gap' will open up. A clear patch that starts as I'm half way to the pub and stops when I'm half way back. It's not so bad walking to the pub, one's balance is reasonable as you walk along gazing at the sky but I'm almost sure to fall over a wall or something if it's still clear when I return.

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ive also read last months sky at night magazine about 25 times and still keep finding new bits in it. :)

Keep hold of that "one then its got magical properties :wink:

"you have the bug I often ponder things about the night sky instead of sleeping

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. A clear patch that starts as I'm half way to the pub and stops when I'm half way back. It's not so bad walking to the pub, one's balance is reasonable as you walk along gazing at the sky but I'm almost sure to fall over a wall or something if it's still clear when I return.

Been there, done that! :? :) :) :wink: :hello1:


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ive also read last months sky at night magazine about 25 times and still keep finding new bits in it. :)

Keep hold of that "one then its got magical properties :)

"you have the bug I often ponder things about the night sky instead of sleeping

i just found another bit i havnt read on m81 i will be out looking for it as soon as i can.

Roger :wink:

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There ought to be a 'newbies' star party.

1.We could all turn up with our expensive gear that we can barely use, stumble about in the dark for an hour, give up because we can't see anything and...

2.Go down the pub and get trashed. Or we could just leave out step 1 because we know what the outcome will be anyway and proceed directly to step 2.

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great idea we could fill our telescopes up with beer as well incase we run out. :wink:

This is the best advice I've had yet. Am going out right now with the crowbar to prise the front off my SCT, I reckon it'll hold about 2 gallons.

Gonna fit a tap where the visual back goes.


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great idea we could fill our telescopes up with beer as well incase we run out. :wink:

This is the best advice I've had yet. Am going out right now with the crowbar to prise the front off my SCT, I reckon it'll hold about 2 gallons.

Gonna fit a tap where the visual back goes.


Better still TJ, fit an Optic. :)
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great idea we could fill our telescopes up with beer as well incase we run out. :)

This is the best advice I've had yet. Am going out right now with the crowbar to prise the front off my SCT, I reckon it'll hold about 2 gallons.

Gonna fit a tap where the visual back goes.


Better still TJ, fit an Optic. :)
im gonna use a 1mm eyepiece and a 15x barlow to magnify the amount of beer in mine :wink:
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its great to have something to be interested in like astronomy cos theres so many aspects to it it keeps you goin when you have them times in life when youre down its great to share with so many great people like on sgl i love it and the more i get into it i think i will love it forever cheers

Roger :sunny:

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I've met people who are the same about coronation st or eastenders. Now they REALLY need help.

Perhaps we should start a secret society. Instead of a Masonic handshake, we could have an Astronomers squint. When our wives finally leave us or throw us out, we can get together and offer support by talking about the good old days when Saturns rings were full on, and you could align your guidescope on Jupiters red spot.

Fit an optic! LOL very funny, but, for beer? I tend to quantify my alcohol consumption not by pints, but by kegs.


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Right, this should be simple enough. The volume of a cylinder is h*pi r squared. Lets all work out the capacity of our OTA's in pints (none of this metric french sh*te). Report back in 24 hours. Don't forget it's the internal diameter you are looking at. You can assume that the OTA is standing vertically and that all orifices are plugged securely.

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