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Skywatcher Nirvana 28mm Eyepiece first light.


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Ok it didn't get a great workout due to bad conditions, (high wispy clouds and a near full moon) but from what I saw I am extremely impressed.  I haven't tried it without a CC yet but as its never out, thats not a concern. 

Very good corrected views and the stars were very clear across near the full FOV. Not a lot more to add until I give it a full workout but given I have looked through Nagler 26mm and used to have an Axiom 31mm I can say the views were equally as good.

I have seen John's review of this EP and would agree the eyecup is different but I found it quite pleasing in that it helps block out extraneous light. I have mentioned I had an Axiom and didnt get on with that and one of the reasons was the flat eyecup but the Nirvana has a more molded to the face approach and as I say found it pleasing.

Its quite a chunk at 1kg but thats also quite reassuring in giving you a feel of quality.

So my latest eyepiece is looking like its a keeper as well as its little cousin the SWA 22mm. I will hopefully give both a better review once I have tried more DSO's in better conditions but I they will take up permanet residence with my other EP's.

This should be the last ep I buy for a while. (Don't quote me on this)  :grin:

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Sounds like a great eyepiece. Are these the same as the William Optics UWAN offerings?


Yes they are exactly the same. Like a number of eyepiece designs this one is available under a number of different brandings around the world.

The new 100 degree range is of similar quality. Skywatcher call it the Myriad, William Optics call it the XWA, etc, etc.

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I should have added that last night the scope wasnt quite fully cooled either, as there are no cooling fans it seems to take forever. Not sure how much of an effect this had on the views but I will review it more later and try to report back.

Anyway as i said, its a super eyepiece for those that are looking for a quality EP at this size. I considered a nagler 26mm but at 2mm shorter FL it was too close to my 22mm ep and cost another £175 new.

So to me this little gem filled a gap perfectly.


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