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ED80 Focuser suggestions ??

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I want to upgrade the focuser on my ED80 and when I started looking into it the Baader Steeltrack seemed to be the best value for money - so I go to place my order and its a discontinued item !!

Any suggestions ???  The Moonlite is quite a bit more expensive and is a bit 'blingy' for my tastes.

Any alternatives ?? It will have an Atik 314l+ and a USB filter wheel and a FF/FR hanging off the end.

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Its a bit of a long debate when it come to focusers and this scope, Personally id get a Feathertouch 2 inch crayford with 2.5" drawtube, however this is not far off the price of the scope, I did it in the past.

If you get a cosmetic second direct from there website its worth considering. you will also need the adapter for the OTA.

The steeltrack was regarded as good, id look out for a used one on ABS they are not uncommon.

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Baader still probably makes the steeltrack but as an OEM and it is branded under many other names.

Check this one on Teleskop Express:


I have it on my Skywatcher 120mm f5 and also the Newtonian version of it on my Dob. Couldn't be happier!

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Baader have allegedly been going to replace the Steeltrack for some time.  "Early 2014" was what they were saying about this time last year, as I recall.  It's turning into a repeat of the "BGO replacement" story that they had a couple of years back.  I particularly like the design that includes a motor drive gear on the slow speed knob.

That first TS one looks near-identical.


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I upgraded my ED80 with a TS R&P focuser. Absolutely superb. You could hang a tank off it.

TS R&P technical specifications:



Had this on a previous scope marketed by Stellarvue. It is a very sold focuser and very smooth. Between this and the other TS focuser I would prefer this one for imaging and the other one for visual only.

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