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Problems with first attempt at CCD imagig


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when I clicked the diagnostics button it gave me the message:

"Warning: Invalid file name characters will be replaced with underscores in filter position 1

I also got a message pop up during the calibration run" No correlation between the master dark and target frames channel (0)

When I open the master light I get 3 files, two of which are really bad and one like the one in the link.

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Don't think it's overexposed, looks ok except for the supernova :)

Have you tried reprocessing it  ? possibly using something else, starting Pixinsight and CCD imaging at the same time sounds like a steep learning curve.


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It looks like you are slightly out of focus, the bright star towards bottom LHS is overexposed and has taken out some of the ccd cells around the star but M27 hasn't much definition.

I assume you where using the Atik 383L and the Quattro as I can see the vanes on the out of focus stars. The dedicated CCD cameras are very sensative compared to a DSLR and unfortunately another slope to master........



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I had a go processing with deep sky stacker the 6 luminence frames calibrated with bias darks and flats.

It looks better but I want to avoid the bloaty bottom left star. Is that nebula on the bottom left or artifacts?


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The problem with the left hand side of the image and the bottom left in particular is that you have a condensation (damp) problem.  It will be on the luminance filter or the front window of the camera or on the CCD itself.  That is what is causing the bloating and "nebulosity" effect.  Is there some dessicant that needs drying?  Did you assemble the imaging train in damp conditions?


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I assembled it indoors.

We have had alot of dew.

I will change the dessicant tablet.

Do you think that the focus is ok?

I used a Bahtinov mask and tweaked in Aartemis capture.

Thanks for the help!

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With my dslr I was starting to get some descent results.

I am trying to focus my ccd and all I get is this even when I move the filter wheel around.

Everything has been going against me since I upgraded the mount and ccd.


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My sensor is at -30° is that too much?

The problem occurs with the presence of moisture - a dry sensor housing allows the sensor to cool to a really low temperature - I routinely cool down to -20 degrees and that is cool enough for my relatively 'noisy' 8300 sensor.

Can you examine the sensor once you have cooled it down to -30 ? You should see the icing if it is present.

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I think that you are correct.

I can see the arm of an ice crystal.

I have just closed the Hotel bar and will go up to the Observatory and cool the sensor down again.

This makes sense because as soon as I turned it on the image was fine.

Is it normal for this sort of thing to happen?

I can't help but chuckle in desperation 

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I think that you are correct.

I can see the arm of an ice crystal.

I have just closed the Hotel bar and will go up to the Observatory and cool the sensor down again.

This makes sense because as soon as I turned it on the image was fine.

Is it normal for this sort of thing to happen?

I can't help but chuckle in desperation 

Used to happen to me with an old 416XT - icing on the camera window. It may sound odd but an eyepiece heater placed around the nosepiece of the camera will help keep the window from icing up - the chip will stay cool enough as the heat should not reach that directly. The trick might be postioning the heater strap so it has an effect (you may need to wrap the strap on the outside with some insulating material to direct the heat inwards).


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It started again so I warmed her up to + 10 ans all fine. I am trying to cool her down 5 degrees at a time and see what haappens.

The dissident tablets are new and the old ones are dried out.

I will take the camera out of the Oby later and keep it dry for a while.

I searched on google and found the other thread about this very problem.

More relaxed now.

At least my mirrors are clean and I have a great 36 point model.

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I opened up my ccd and put it in the sauna last night, the sauna is about 40 degrees and 20 percent humidity when switched off.

I will leave it there until I switch it back on again this afternoon.

This should sort the problem out.

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I think I will buy one of those and keep it wrapped around my camera in the Observatory.



Just to mention - if you need to use silica gel to dry your camera it has to be in a sealed container along with the camera otherwise it will do nothing. I believe it can take some time to work...


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