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IC1396 - Elephants Trunk in Ha


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Hi All,

Manged to get a solid 3 hours imaging during pretty much a full moon, but being low on the horizon and also imaging in Ha it doesn't appear to of had too much of an impact. Incredibly too when I checked outside at one point ther also appeared to be a fine mist in the sky but again the Ha just cut through it :)

This is the Elephants Trunk part of IC1396.

19x600s Ha with 383L+ Mono through MN190.

Still getting horrible out of focus stars at one edge of the field, had to focus 1/3rd off centre just to get something useful, I'm fairly convinced its due to misalignment of the CCD in the light path due to the focusser not being great (I'm hanging a 383,OAG and filter wheel of the old stock MN190 single speed crayford), never used to get this with the 450D and filterwheel. May have to splashout on a new focusser at some point.

Anyhow, OIII and SII to follow next clear night, and heres the Ha for now.




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Thanks Barry, pretty  much full frame this, only cropped off about 10pix. The bad stars don't show too bad here ( top left) but on the full size and raw images they are very noticeable. Need to have a play with the focuser but with the  nights so short and few it's so tempting just to image :)

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