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Saturn 18th June - King's Lynn, UK

Andy Milner

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My best capture yet. Loving my new camera. It's small light, good price, and packs a planetary punch!a4y4ypu9.jpg

Saturn - 18th June - 23:42

SW 200p

3x Barlow

QHY5L-II Colour





Enlarged:- (1.5x drizzle in AS!2, and Enlarged 125% in Photoshop)

I think this is about the best I will get with this gear and the conditions where I live in the UK. Nonetheless I'm chuffed as this is my best and its my first year at this hobby.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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A very nice image, a reprocess may be a good idea to see if you can control the noise a bit more. A good capture, -  looks to have a lot of potential. Well done Andy  :smiley:

regards Harvey

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Okay did a bit more de noise using Topaz Denoise plugin in Photoshop. I dont like denoise so much as i like to see detail, but hope this version is better. Please see my image attached..

Also it appears Youtube links dont seem to be showing in this forum, ive pasted the url below again, hope it shows this time.

Youtube link to my video with final image and background music:



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Okay did a bit more de noise using Topaz Denoise plugin in Photoshop. I dont like denoise so much as i like to see detail, but hope this version is better. Please see my image attached..

Also it appears Youtube links dont seem to be showing in this forum, ive pasted the url below again, hope it shows this time.

Youtube link to my video with final image and background music:


A very nice image, a reprocess may be a good idea to see if you can control the noise a bit more. A good capture, -  looks to have a lot of potential. Well done Andy  :smiley:

regards Harvey

Okay hopefully the problems im having displaying images on here are behind me and this one works, Can't seem to find a way of editing my previous post. Here goes, this is the latest version of my Saturn with a little denoise from Topaz Denoise. Great photoshop plugin!

saturn r6 - desktop-cs2-topaz.tif

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Nice image Andy. The final process is very nice.

What capture software are you using? I know EZPlanetary has a dark frames option although I haven't used it yet as the programme keeps freezing on me. I have recently installed the latest release, but I haven't been able to try it out yet.

With Saturn being so low at the moment - and for the next few years - I think you did a good job.

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Thanks for nice comments guys, I've now got a two new Powermates (2.5x and 5x), broke the credit card :p 
and.... guess what looks like i ordered rain and cloud, so no fun with those yet. Really hope to get some good decent light through those, as opposed to the Skywatcher barlow I have been using. 
/me prays for decent seeing and transparency. :)

Best Wishes, Andy.

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